Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Some People Are Jerks!

OMG! At work today, a friend and I were on cash, and there had been this empty basket sitting near her cash thingy for a while... so being the smart person she is, she decided to put it back where it belongs. However, it was this elderly lady's basket and when the woman found out her basket had been put away, she told the girl off (in a really mean way!). My friend was brave and listened quietly to the woman ranting on about what an idiot she must be. I listened too, cuz I was on the other cash and was a little shocked that this woman was being so mean. Anyways, once the woman left the store, my friend ran to the back and when she finally returned her face was bright red and it looked like she had been crying. We ranted together about mean people for the rest of the shift, but let me add here that if anyone were to do that with me, I don't think I could keep my cool like her, I would probably have started crying right away. JERKS!

On an even more annoying note, they gave me more hours at work. I DON'T WANT MORE HOURS!!! I just want to spend my last few summer days relaxing.... not working my butt off!!!!! (and dealing with mean people, might I add!). Anyways, I just felt like saying that work sucked today, just cuz that mean woman came in and told off this girl who thought she was doing the right thing, and is possibly on of the nicest girls you could ever meet.


Anonymous said...

LOL awwwww I thought IIIIIIIII was one of the nicest girls you could ever meet *little halo shinning over top of my head* =P lol well anyways work can suck sooooooooo suck it up! HAHA jks.. hope it doesn't happen again =P good luck with everything! take care! BYE!

bio-hazerd said...

yeah.. damn them rude jackass customers... we need less ppl like that. they always got a pickle stuck up somewhere.... but thats the retail industry for ya, dumb customers is what you get sometimes. yeah... more shifts.. booo!

Shannyn said...

Oh Tacky, you are the most innocent + nice person anyone could ever meet. Don't worry... you possibly even nicer than the girl from my story.