Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm am bad little girl...

Today I accomplished a small task that will add to my fairly short list of illegal activities but fairly long list of "forbidden" activities. I'm pretty sure my bro and I were alone... he was the one that really did IT but since I let him, and I was obviously the older one, I could have gotten into a lot of trouble. Thankfully nobody was around or those who saw, did not care... and that neither of us died... although I don't think it was a deadly scenario. Anyways my bro also broke a picture frame in my house today but with a little glue and touch-up with paint, we hope nobody will notice. Oddly, that happened before the illegal one and was a leading factore in me allowing the activity.

Okay, that sounds really vague, but in all honesty, I don't know who reads this blog... and would rather not say much. Also, who knew that I was such a bad girl... giggle. I care far too much about getting in trouble and should become more relaxed (i'll just put that into my pda for future referance - cute). Anyways, when my bro + I came home we pinky swore not to tell the 'rents. MWHAHAHAHA!!! We are so innocent... and cute! ttyl

32 days till I leave for University
33 days till I move into res
35 days till my bday
36 days till school starts
1 day until tomorrow


bio-hazerd said...

40 more days until a whole new world. SHAZAM! I think I'm prolly the only one who reads your blog on a regular basis. so proud of that!

Shannyn said...

You are totally the one who reads it the most anyways. Thanx for your comments, me always reads them. I always read yours too.... but yours is so much more interesting! giggle.... thanx again!