Saturday, December 31, 2005
Nyways, today is new years eve. Many plans flooting around... how knows what will happen. How am I going to start the new year?
We shall have to wait and see.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Plans Are Hard To Make...
When I got home we did the family thing. I was oddly enough looking forward to it. It was even a little too short. I didn't see everyone I was hoping to see, but they will probably be around next year, right?
today i shopped again, and 2mora... more shopping! woot! my life is sweet at this very moment!!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Gotta Love Boxing Day!
Went to two malls today. In my opinion, they are the best ones around. You can't really beat the Eaton's Center!! It just totally owns all the malls! But the lines were pretty long... there were lines to get into the stores, to try on the clothes, and the longest ones were to pay... ack!!! Thus it's safe to say I didn't buy any clothes... although the trip wasn't pointless.
I got home and was complaining that the mall was crowded. My mother asked me if I would ever go back there another year... like a true shopper, I Said YES!
Planning on a peaceful and more relaxing day of shopping 2mora. I'm afraid to buy too much and then have to carry it all back home.
~Still in minor pain! (and somehow I got a bruse on my cheek...- and can't figure out how!!)
Saturday, December 24, 2005
First Thing Done Since Being Home!
(but i'm still in a lot of pain and look pretty stupid!)
Friday, December 23, 2005
My last exam went pretty well... smiles! I made it home late last night, and my family was super happy to see me. Even though the males are all acting like it's no big deal. Cuz I know that they are ecstatic inside.
Well, when I feel better, I will do something FUN!
Drive really fast, and do what I do best!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
shopping makes me sleepy.
So, today was a lot better. I got up, when to pick something up from my prof, then took the bus to a mall, then to another mall, where I ran into a girl from my floor. Spent another hour randomly shopping with her, and now it's like 3:00 pm. Thus, I still pretty much have tons of time to do anything but study.
Be There Soon.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
It's OKAY To Slack!
Before the exam, I went to the caf to get a snack. I saw this girl that I knew from my class and had seen there a couple of times. I decided randomly to talk to her today. We shall never really know why I did it. Nyways, I studied with her for a while there and then brought her back to my room so I could get my stuff. Then I went with her and my neighbour to the exam. I WAS NOT BEING HUMANITARIAN! Isn't it okay to just be nice. Trust me, i didn't MEAN to feel bad for her. IN FACT, I had been planning to talk to her the whole class but had never gotten up the courage to do it.
I keep telling myself that I am NOT shy, that I just don't like to talk. But let's face it, I am pretty damn shy. There is NO way around it.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
The End Of 2 Double 0 - 5
5. Ditz (<-- okay, maybe I am a little ditzy, but it's still not very nice!)
4. Weener (<-- that's just childish, honestly!)
3. Bitch (<-- have to admit, heard that one a lot in high school)
2. Sharon (<-- you know it, so many of you have used that against me!!!! - you might not use it on purpose, but nevertheless, I hear it all the time!)
1. Blonde (<-- it's actually hard to think of someone who hasn't called me that before)
And that is my list. enjoy! lol.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
STILL Have Three To Go!
Life is all about grinning and baring the situation. What a painful society.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
A Day In The Life Of A Bubble-Headed Blonde...
that's enough study-putting off for one day.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Three Exams To Go!
Last night was our floor christmas party. All the people who got along with each other went out for dinner at a restaurant. I ordered fish - how classy. lol. I think the person I got as my secret santa liked her gift. I basically got her exactly what her roommate told me to get. lol. As for my gift, I got a spongebob-square-pants calender for next year and some swiss chocolate. yummy. Some girl on my floor saw a picture of Patrick (the starfish from ssp) that I had printed out and colored for decoration and came to the conclusion that I liked it and told me secret santa. I really like it though! It's just that it's a pretty small picture of Patrick, and it's random that she noticed it. Tis okay.
I had an exam today. Who knows how I did. Philosophy sucks, you can never know afterwards if you did well or not. Anyways, I used some of the chocolate I got last night as a study tool (reward/punishment). lol. Doing something good got me chocolate. Doing something bad didn't get me any.
I'll be home soon.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I don't even feel guilty anymore for not studying!
My next exam is this weekend. Ack... why would they be so evil as to put an exam on a weekend?!?!? That's all I have to ask.
Tomorrow is the floor party. I can't wait to find out what who was my secret santa. Although we all know I do have to wait. I'm just a little excited.
More importantly, I talked to my bro. Every xmas the most important gift to me is the gift he gets me. It's honestly the only gift that he had to worry about cuz it's usually me who takes care of the gifts for our parents. So all he has to do is get one present. my present. I'm always DYING to know what he got me. It drives me crazy. Anyways, I found out that he already got it. He wouldn't give me any clues, and eventually hung up on me when I started to really question what it was. I just really want to know what it is!!!!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Dieciocho Dias!!
Last night was fun. I didn't think it would be. I was wrong. I probably ate too many cookies, and talked too little, but all in all, it was good. It was simple comfortable. We honestly just sat around all night and talked until morning. Okay, it wasn't technically bright and sunny out when we left, but it was nevertheless this morning.
Another awesome thing. I got my first christmas card! woot! It's proudly being displayed on my shelf. I have since decided to give out xmas cards to some people on my floor. Here is my dilemma: I want to give a card to most people on the floor, except for a few people, but one of these people I don't want to give a card to lives with a person I do want to give a card to, and thus they would know that I didn't give them a card, does that force me to give them a card? I don't really have much against this person, I just NEVER talk to them... but her roommate is nice and she talks to me. So I feel bad giving a card to one and not the other. But I don't really want to give her a card, because then I might have to give cards to other people I don't want to give cards to... because they would see that card, know that I don't talk to this girl, and then expect a card from me too. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Lol, Tacky - mi padre is going to kill me! We talked for almost an hour!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Blonde Joke
So, you probably realized that it's not the movie for me. I did like it, but I mostly enjoyed the night out. BTW - It's F'in FREAZING UP HERE! we had to walk all the way to the theatre.... not cool!
I mostly went because it got me out of the building and out with people on my floor. My floormates rock - well at least the ones invited out tonight. It's probably the first time in a while that I was loud. If you remember me from high school, I often tended to be loud when I went out with friends... In fact, I could get pretty loud during non class hours... but tonight was the first time I felt relaxed. It felt REALLY nice!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
If You Build It, They Will Come!
On a completely different topic. Last night has high drama floor meeting. Our floor is the problem floor. This guy has already been kicked off. - That's pretty extreme. And there are a lot of problems between groups of people on the floor. Even some really bad vandalism against some of the people. It was serious. Anyways, lately because of all the damage, we have had to pay bills for repairs. That sucked. Everyone knows that certain people had absolutely nothing to do with it. (like myself!). Anyways, this one girl, who i barely even know, told the person in control of the building that this was not fair, and singled me out as being a person who shouldn't have to pay. She said it in such a nice way, that it was really shocking for me to hear, because I never really thought that she noticed me. Oddly enough, I almost burst into tears because of it. The tears were part from the embarrassment of 30 people all suddenly turning their heads to stare at you, part because it was just really nice of her, and part because I knew everything she said was true and it seemed like she actually thought highly of me. THANK YOU CARLY!
I had special permission to leave the meeting early since I had my first exam today (in class). I heard that the whole thing lasted almost two hours, and ended late. So I was happy to get out of there. Anyways, the exam went alright, I shall see what my mark is before the end of the month. Woot! Only four exams to go until I get to go home!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
You Turn Around At Do It Too!
Teachers suck for manipulating your minds!
Monday, November 28, 2005
That's pretty much how I feel right now. It's the last week of school and then exams start. I honestly did try to study today... it just wasn't working out I guess. I shall try again 2mora.
Somehow I'm still in a pretty okay mood. (not likely however that it will stay).
I just have to make it to christmas. I can do that! .... right?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Boring Day.
Just finished watching 'the longest yard'. i don't like football, but it's a pretty good movie.
This semester is getting too long. I just want it to end right now. I want to be home. Damn the cold!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
And So She Asked Me...
I never used to try in school. I never really thought I could do well in school, and that blondes like me were meant to grow up and marry prince charming and live richly ever after. My grades throughout elementary school and the first half of high school weren't THAT bad. I mean, I usually had 60s and 70s, and reality, there isn't really much wrong with that. (With the exception of my science mark that is). So anyways, the end of the tenth grade was my turning point. After we received a project that I was unusually enthusiastic about, I set to work on it. I didn't really plan on getting an awesome mark, I just thought the project was really cool and I spent a lot of time on it because it interested me. Anyways, when I got the mark back, the teacher seemed to like it, because it was one of the highest marks I ever got. Shocked by the idea that I could in fact do well in school if I applied myself, I started the next school year with a lot more effort. Almost all my marks in grade eleven were above eighty. Since then, I've just continued to work hard and get good marks. I guess I have started to value these, which have caused me to morph into a total nerd.
Another possible answer to this, one that doesn't involve me writing a memoir, is that, perhaps I do actually find a career that I am interested in pursuing. I would need good grades to get into it, right? Without them, I wouldn't be able to follow the new path. Thus, it's always important to keep your grades up.
On a totally unrelated topic, I just want to go home. It's too damn cold here. I'm so bored of studying. I actually skipped a day of shopping to study for this stupid exam. (What was I thinking?!!?!?).
I miss all you markhamers. And even some of the hicktowners.
I want a peths reunion. can you honestly wait 10 years?
Friday, November 25, 2005
Everything Is Always Right In The World - and it always has been

Whenever I'm not writing my blog, I come up with all these witty things to say, but sadly nothing is coming to me right now. feh.
So today I told one of my new friends my "life plan". (You know, the one where I marry a rich old guy and never have to actually work.) She didn't take it very well. I don't think she thought it was realistic. She told me that I would get bored of not doing anything. She is so naive. Silly little brunette doesn't understand the dream life of a true blonde. lol - ya, that does mean that I'm s blonde again. All is right in the world.
I miss my car. All I want to do right now is drive away from my problems. I want to drive fast. To push that peddle, and go really fast. A car would be convenient. I miss the exceleration. When I get back, I'm taking my lovely car for a spin. We will go fast. Everything will just fly by me, and I will be in control. Dream come true.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Snow, everybody loves you but me...
Gee, let me see... was that the stuff I slid on and nearly fell over because of this morning when I left rez.??!!??
Everyone here is talking about the wonderful snow. To me it doesn't seem oh so awesome.
It does seem to have put everyone in a good mood though. I could hear christmas music earlier today, and people are cheerfully waiting the end of the semester so that they can go home. Even my evil neighbour doesn't seem so bad anymore. A couple nights ago, when I was still very angry at him and his loud music, I started this list of bad things he did and I planned to hand it in and get him kicked off my floor. However, today, he came by my room and chatted with me (I think he's scared of being kicked off because other people have complained about him...). So ya, he came by and was pretty decent. I told him that he plays his music too loud, and I think he might work on that... so I'm in a happier mood. But trust me, the mood is not related to the snow, like everyone else's. Nyways, It's practically the weekend. woot! Some of my classes are almost over. Can't wait for xmas!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Curse These University Marks
They go up.
There is no winning.
You work hard in one, it goes up.
You work hard in the other, it goes down.
There REALLY is no winning.
I have peace for the rest of the week. I am happy. No more serious studying until the weekend. Gosh, that puts me in a good mood. I came back from my midterm today, and just did nothing. I watched a beautiful mind and let me tell those who haven't seen it yet, it's an amazing movie! It's basically about this guy who is REALLY REALLY good at math. In fact, all his other skills (such as social) kinda suck because he is so smart. Anyways, so this social reject goes to university and meets his fun roommate. The roommate really helps this dude's social life. (I'm going to tell you what happens in the end, so stop reading if you don't want to know what happens.) Okay, so anyways, the main character starts to work for the secret service or something like that, but then starts to go a little paranoid because he thinks that Russians are out to get him. In the end, you realize that he was actually schizophrenic and that his job, and his roomate, and other people, had all been imagined. The only way he finally could tell that they were not real, was because they never aged even though he was aging.
This kinda freaked me out, because how am I to know if someone is aging, and thus they are real? It totally creeped me out, because I thought, maybe I am also just imagining everyone I see... and there is no real way of knowing. Grrr... total freak out.
Anyways, I think the fact that I had had a philo midterm before that forced me to really think about whether or not "I exist" just helped. lol, so creepy. Screw you Descartes! Of course I f'in exist! Why do ya wanna mess with my head like that?!?!?! DIE DIE!
Hasta La Vista!
Monday, November 21, 2005
1987 ~ What A Terrible Year!
- The U.S. and Canada signed the free-trade agreement.
- It was the age of rock music videos when Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, U2, and Pink Floyd each released new albums.
- Nazi leader Klaus Barbie was convicted of WW2 crimes.
- Zulu chief Buthelezi begins a civil war against South Africa's Africa National Congress.
- Soviet Secretary Gorbachev and U.S. President Reagan sign the INF Treaty in Washington, D.C., to reduce their nuclear stockpiles.
And that's basically it. Not much happened that year. Sure much of the music released that year is still popular, and most of it was good. But that's basically the best thing about that year. Good Music.
Another thing that sucks about being an 87er is that you were too young to enjoy the 80s, unlike most of our older siblings or cousins. From what I heard, the 80s were awesome. We, on the other hand, were stuck growing up in the 90s. GAG! Those were terrible. In my opinion, the 90s were the years when the world started to go down hill. It started to get crappy right when we began learning how the world works. That's why so many of us are so fucked up.
And That's My Philosophy!
Now I just need to pinpoint the time when the world started to suck, and go back in time to prevent the hell we live in now.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Harry Potter With A Side Of Guilt Please!
As for this weekend, it's study-hard for the final row of midterms before the exam attack. Lol. In bubbly-blonde terms, that means that I need to do some christmas shopping. woot! tis the season! Now, the right thing to do is to have a happy medium and do both. This could work.
In retaliation to Sammy's comment that he would love to see me try to bench-press anything... he is completely correct! I am a weak as anything. I went shopping this morning (damn the cold!) - for food! and I could barely carry aroud my little basket! I mean, even the little old ladies seemed stronger than I.
Nyways, It's one a.m. I should get some sleep. Harry Potter ROCKS! Go see it, unless you hoped it would follow the plot of the book, in which case --> never see it! There was nothing about houselves in the movie at all! All the important things that happened in the end of the book were pretty accurate, but the beginning is total messed up.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
But I'm Not Lazy!
I also had a midterm today. Woot for psych! I'm hoping I did better than my last one... I studied less, but I think I understood more. Thus, I don't know what the result is going to be. feh. As long as I pass.
Que j'ai des problems de famille. Je ne sais pas quoi faire avec elle. Je n'ai jamais rencontré personne qui resemblait tellement a moi. Je suis tellement comme elle. Je ne veut pas devenir elle. Elle veut que je fasse des choses que je ne veut pas faire. Elle veut que je deviens cette type de personne. Celui qui s'amuse trops. Celui qui boit et fait des actes d'amours. Pourquoi es-ce qu'elle me fache tellement?
Sorry about that french part. If you wanna know what it means, it's not that hard. I didn't say anything important, so no worries. Well, I'll TTYL.
Can't Wait Til Xmas! The season is upon us. Be merry!
Monday, November 14, 2005
I Banish Thee!!
THANK YOU TACKY FOR CORRECTING MY WORK! YOU DID SUCH AN AWESOME JOB! lol, and thanks to Heather too, although next time could you make it more clear what the changes you make are, it's hard to find the differences between my copy and your corrected copy if you don't make them distinct.
And lastly, an update on my hair. It's practically back to it's old blonde self. I think it might be slightly darker, but that could just be my view. I'm a blonde again. (yes sammy, I know, i never really changed, and that I will always be a blonde - but still, I think I might have been smarter as a brunette...) lol. BIES!
Friday, November 11, 2005
Happy Rememberance Day!!
Nyways, I got stupid spanish class to go to today... I would love to skip it, but then I feel bad leaving my friend all alone. She actually has to go because she doesn't know much spanish, but I on the other hand, know enough already to take the final exam and pass... thus I don't really feel like going... but I will anyways.
After class, I'm going shopping with Lisa. I really need more stuff to decorate my room. It's so BLAH! All the girls on my floor have informed me that I have a surious lack of decorations. feh! WHATEVER! maybe I will get around to buying something today. we shall see. I also need more clothes. I LOVE THE MALL! (like duh!)
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Signs Of Winter
It's f'in cold up here people! I curse Canada's weather.
It's time to pull out our hats & golves... and get ready for the ride.
I just want to go home (where I am sure it's even just a little but warmer!).
I wanna sit by the fire. Be warm. And let the spirit of xmas bring me joy.
I'm stuck in the cold version of hell.
Can you tell that school is a stressor?
P.S. My hair has now started to turn back to blonde... so it's in the middle right now at a weird orangy color. Feh! No time to fix it. Must Do Work!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
It Was Bolden Approved
No matter how many hours we spent making fun of the CHITS, I wish I had one now!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Cake + Birthday Party
Anyways, the topic somehow turned to what were some of the first impressions we got of the people on the floor when we first moved it. This one girl, who is really nice, but frankly a little too honest, told me that she and whoever she was discussing me with, thought that I was a super big bitch and that I thought that I was better than everyone else just because I never opened my door or talked a lot. I was frankly very shocked to hear this, because most people who don't know me very well, think that I am just sweet and really nerdy. Either way, I got kinda pissed at her and raised my voice a little bit... as I ranted to everyone that it's a common misconception that shy people are bitchy just because they don't talk. I should have added that just because I don't talk to YOU! doesn't mean that I think I'm better than you, it just means I don't want to talk!
That cake was good though. And company was fun. But now it's back to work.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I AM NOT A BLONDE (anymore)

Shannyn - the brunette!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Riddle Me This
I was also invited out to a bar today for my friends birthday. I'm not going. I would rather not waist my money on acoholic drinks in some nasty and dirty bar in Hull with people I don't REALLY know. It's not worth the boost in popularity.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
What Chance!
I'm excited. This should be a good week.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
I Hate The Price Of Failure
my life is plentiful of ups and downs. Sticking to one is impossible, life changes too quickly.
Monday, October 31, 2005
I'm A Hypocrite!

Nyways, fun's over. I'm happy that I got to go out with people tonight. It wasn't actual trick-or-treating cuz we used our purses for the candy and never actually said those words... and since we only went to one real house and the other two were those of important people who were obviously too important to actually give the candy out themselves...
The picture is one I JUST took of me. obviously i had to give back the bunny ears, so you missed those... but i still have my makeup on... so the effect is still there. THANK YOU ASHLEY FOR DOING MY MAKEUP! Aren't I so adorable? lol. Niters + happy halloween!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Hallows Eve Is Coming!
I have no costume or plans for halloween. I don't even care that much about the holiday. I stopped going out when I was just barely 13. That year I spent the night doing homework while my friends came to my door and I was the one to give them candy. I thought even back then that it was stupid. I went out once since then and it was fun, but something I don't mind giving up. The whole holiday just seems like a bunch of jokes to me. I don't care, to me it's just another random day. I'll probably spend the night doing work again. That seems to be my habit.
No development in my life.
It's another candyless year for moi. woot woot.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Lacking The Creativity For A Good Title
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
(115) ~ Guess Who Aced Spanish!!
(more movies have been watched, but I will not bore you will the list). Classes 2mora... how delightful. Spanish ROCKS!!! Woot! Buenas Noches A Todo El Mundo! Me Gusta MUCHO If De Compras! Pero, no tengo tiempo ahora. a la proxima.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Post #114
Monday, October 24, 2005
Post #113
Sunday, October 23, 2005
This Post Is For You - Sammy Fungus!

Sammy, I'm glad you are not going to get your licence, you would be a creepy driver. That time that you were in my car, lol... let's just say I didn't think you were a natural. lol.

Anyways, today I studied... a little. lol. I tried, but I still have far to go before my midterm 2mora. No matters... I think most of it will get done.
P.S. I don't know which looks better.... attempt at curly, or attempt at staight hair. lol. Both are hard and don't offer many rewards.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Another Tries, Another Fails
WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LIKE HAVE TO COST LIke $150+!?!?!?!?!?! or like triple what I'm willing to pay.
ggrrrrr.... well, i'd like to say that i'm going back to studying now, but that would mean that I have already done some studying and that I was planning to do some soon. Both are lies!
Enjoy the rest of your day, mine is spoiled!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Post # 110 ~ Happy UO Day!!
Anyways, I was no lazy student today. I got up at a decent time and did some grocery shopping... (I LOVE JUS!) Then, since it's so f'in cold in this cursed city, I went to the local mall and looked for a blanket. But they didn't have any, so I walked across the street to the mall on the other side and bought one in the the Bay. Came back to my room, had lunch with a friend... Then I took Public Transit (it's soooo much better here!) and went to a farther mall. After hanging around their for a while, I went to some downtown streets and looked in some stores... then I walked back to the mall I went to this morning, and looked around there. I REALLY wanted to buy something.... but I didn't get to.... it's SO NOT FAIR! I need to go somewhere else.... Ottawa has NO fashion sense! Everything is soooo boring!!!! What has happened to the world?!?!?!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Calm Between The Storm
Nyways, I'm pleased that I have no classes tomorrow... and thus am spending the day shopping like the bad little rebel child that I am. lol.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Classy Glasses Lady
Instead Of Studying...
My French Name: Michèle Binet
My Sexy Brazilian Name: Alessandra Cabral
My Japanese Name: Masako Shigenoi
My Irish Name: Grainne Hughes
My Hawaiian Name: Alohilani Kalama
My Pimp Name: G-string Money
My Outrageous Name: Enorma Sass
My Band Name: The Stoned Uncle
My Power animal: Eagle
The Animal I Was In My Past Life: Whale
You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.
Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.
My Hidden Talent: You have the power to persuade and influence others.You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!
I Should Learn: Swedish
Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general. Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!
My Hair Should Be: White
Classy, stylish, and eloquent. You've got a way about you that floors everyone you meet.
My Summer Ride Should Be: Mini Cooper
You are all about unique, one of a kind adventures. The only thing predictable about your summer is that it's unpredictable!
My Superhero Name: The Emerald Wave
My Superpower: Psychic
My Weakness: Bacteria
My Weapon: Caustic Foam
My Mode Of Transpo: Hydrofoil
My Monster Name: Death Chemist
I Feast On: Olives
I Lurk Around In: Flock Of Freshmen
I Especially Like To Torment: Republicans
The Rejected Crayon Color That I Am: Tin Man's Johnson Silver
How Machiavellian Am I?: Somewhat
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!
How Kind Of Pizza Am I?: Pepperoni
Robust and dominant. When you go for something, you go full force. You tend to take control of situations easily. And in return, you get a ton of respect.
Score On An American Citizenship Test: 20%
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Fake Smile
it just looks sooo forced! EEWWWWW!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005
Too Many Midterms.... Too Little Time!
I'm far to lazy to sit here and type all the cool things I have done, but let me tell you one of them envolves being escorted back to my building by the foot patrol... lol.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Daily Rant
School is sucking just simply because I am still trying to catch up from my weekend of skipping work. So much to do... so little time before my midterms. I'm really starting to hate my classes... of course that hatred doesn't include Spanish.... it's the one course I do enjoy... mostly because the teacher likes me and thinks I am intelligent. Let me do some spanish homework right now:
Me Gusta ir de compras,
Voy de compras cada dia,
Quieria usted ir de compras conmigo?
(ignore the lack of accents and lack of upside question mark at the beginning of the last sentance, just because i told you to.)
I should probably take the quiet time that I have now to get some work done... but I just know that as soon as I pick up my book, my ever so delightful neighbour will tern up his bass and my room will begin to shack.. and I will not be able to concentrate. I suppose it is infact worth a try though... TTYL!!
P.S. Happy BDay Kate!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Planes are Fast!
Okay, so that was my weekend.... Today alone I spent over 300$ just to get to here... and for what... 30 mins of class?!?!? Useless!
Nyways, I need to get back to work.... avoiding it doesn't seem to make it disapear... so I have decided maybe if I actually crack open a book and do it, that maybe that will help it vanish... it's just a plan... don't try it at home kids!
P.S. To the causer of miss t's probs - U SUCK!!!! WHAT THE *BLEEP* DO U THINK U'R DOING??!?!?! that's just tight of you my dear... even low for your standards!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Evil Cat Lady!!
Feh! BWHAHAHA!!! It's sooo nice to be home, I think I got back into the ruff I was in all summer... that one that involved going out and doing no work... ya, that's were I am right now... pretty efin' sweet in my opinion. Anyways, things are going okay right now... I just don't know how I'm getting back to school... that's too weird for miss organized here. I would rather know. So en somme, I have few plans... and that's working for me right now. TTYL!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Wait, scratch that, I am an adult now! Feh! I totally don't act like it.
I'll be home in a few many hours. lol.
Just want to stand in my old room again. Relive all my old feelings and frustrations, and deep thoughts that I thought in that room. Wonder if I am better of now. Good plan.
I'll SEE you soon miss tacky! lol.
I'm sooo excited about it!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Soon I Will Be Home

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
School Of Rock

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Dear BMD, wherever you are....
Saturday, September 24, 2005
My Aventure Before Lunch
Public Transit going 70km/hour is scary... and very hard to stand up in!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The Real University Life
I just had this total freak out a few mins ago... with nobody to call. It sucked so much, cuz I wanted to talk to somebody, to calm myself down, but Tacky was not to be reached... I don't blaim anyone in these cases... except for the freaky people in this town that freak me out.... you know you feel low when a hobo comments on your lovely blue eyes... and when only person has called you so far, other than rents and people who work in the adminsitration, is a guy who wants to practise his grammar and dialed a random number hoping for a nice person who is equally a little insane to answer. That has been my life so far... Well, you will tell me to get out of this room and go meet new people... my reply to that is that I am a shy person... but let me add one more thing, today I met a new person, I did that thing where you walk into a class and sit beside somebody who has nobody else beside them... cuz maybe you guys can become friends... well so I did that today but as my luck would have it, I meet this girl who wouldn't stop talking the whole friggin' class to me so I missed what the prof was saying, and seeing as how it's the only class I am the most screwed in, I actually wanted to listen today.... but I felt rude if I were to tell her to shut up. In conclusion, if somebody in a class is sitting by themselves, there must be a reason - either they drove everyone else away from them (today's case) or they are really pathetic looser's (my case) and simply are not meant to be talked to because their lives are just that boring. Thus, don't talk to them! That of course is a lesson you will have to learn in university.
SOOO much reading to do! I know they warn you about it before university, but seriously, it's a friggin' lot!
Monday, September 19, 2005
I am SO not good with names!

Feh, let me tell you how my weekend went... no wait, let me show you... lol. So I mostly went out to discover more about my surroundings in this great town... and the first important thing I came accross was the american embassy... it looks so bold and strong... here is a pic of it. It's all guarded up, which got me to think that they must really think we are a powerful nation that might attack them or something.. lol... that would be funny.. little Canada... jokes... Anyways, another building I saw was art museum... it's basically got a lot of glass walls all around it and there is a really large (and personally very ugly) spider that sits ou

So anyways, that was my weekend... I also spent a lot of time studing... because of the stupid weather... however, I am ahead once again in some of my classes... woot for me! TTYL Shannon
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Rainy Days

On the left there is a picture of me sporting my lovely pink jacket, which is su

Friday, September 16, 2005
♥ Simple Plan : Untitled
Today has a pretty good day. I met up with this girl for my one and only class and we sat together... it's wasn't terrible! Well, first of all the obviousness that I wasn't really alone made it better and that there was someone who could help me when I got confuzzled, but on the other hand, it was also mi clase de español. Lol, hoy aprendimos que soy una estudiante y que ella es la profesora! We also learned how to greet people and say goodbye... for example, good afternoon = buenas tardes! and good night = buenas noches! however, you can say good night as a goodbye too... whereas buenas tardes y buenos días can only be said in greetings... that is weird. However, I did already know that, so I was pretty bored the whole time... although I am trying to give the impression that I don't know a lot of spanish. There are some good benefits to that. First of all, it will not make you seem like a know-it-all. Secondly, you can get answers wrong and nobody will care, thirdly, you can fit in really well with all the people who do not know any spanish it all. To conclude this paragram... I would like to end with another one of the goodbies that we learned - HASTA LUEGO!
I told myself back in the tenth grade that once I passed science that term, I would never have to ever learn it again - ever! Well, it turns out you have to learn it in psychology... and when the prof says that you don't need to know any science to understand the DNA related part of the course, she assumes that most people actually know something about science... I however, barely passed three years ago, and now I am still learning about nucleus'... WTF?!?! I was soo confused, and I don't really know that many people right now, so I was like, you can I ask a question without making myself look a total nerd or dumbass... so of course, I turned to miss tacky!! I phoned her up (screw the long distance bill!) and got her to explain it all to me... lol.. of course she did seem to know a lot! Anyways, this got me thinking, maybe I should try some sort of science for dummies type course, cuz apparently I still should now some more about science, but then I realized I was going crazy and that that would NEVER happen!! lol...
Anyways, that's all for me today... TTYL - and don't worry, I won't go into science - ever! that would just be too funny!