Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Train Post

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mid October Already!

Yes, it's the middle of the day but I'm in my PJs. It's because it's so FREAKING cold up here. It's suppose to warm up next week, but wtf, my apartment is always cold!! It's not even winter yet! SO not cool!
Got some interesting news today that I want to think over a bit... I'm never one to get my hopes up for anything... I refuse to even get excited about this... life lessons have only one thing to prove: this won't happen. I can't even imagine it. Too unlikely. Stop thinking about it Shannon! It will never make sense!
Finished study notes today for my one and only midterm this year. Shockingly though nobody else in my program seems to have midterms (except my one class). It's so going to be like first year! I've got a bit of time to study though... sounds like a good activity for tomorrow and Tuesday... so much spare time and so much lack there of. Why can't time spread out more so that I'm never to rushed and never too bored. That would be great.
P.S. Going to a halloween party... what should I be? Too bad I threw out my ladybug one last year...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
BDAY Celebration Weekend!
OMG! School is so stressful already. I feel like I have half the amount of time I normally have to finish everything... and quite honestly I actually do. There are a lot of really stupid assignments, which I can certainly tolerate... but I am seriously NOT a fan of all this group work stuff. Either you feel like you are not contributing enough to the project or you are afraid of doing it all on your own. I've never been the best at sharing, and group work is so not my thing. Perhaps it would be more tolerable in small groups, but when you have to deal with four or five other people, I start to lose my patience. Anyways, that's my little rant about school. I know it's not about the marks... but really.... it's always about the marks!
So Maggie came to visit me for my birthday (technically last weekend, but it's also still my birthday week)... she arrived on Friday and we stayed up catching up. Saturday we went for a walk... ended up at two malls... and then shopped downtown before going to lunch with Heather. We chilled at my place for a bit before leaving to show Maggie Heather's new appartment. There we practiced some "modern" dance... lol... and Heather showed us some really cool tricks! Of course we also got to play with Nelly and Sally! :) Anyways, Maggie and I then went to visit Craig for a bit before dinner. It was such a busy day... that ended with dancing... watching shows... and one a.m. hot fudge sundaes! Awesome! Then this morning Maggie and I went out for breakfast (I LOVE PANCAKES!) before she had to leave. :( Spent quite a bit of time on homework before Jenn got back and started telling me all about her awesome week. I hope that this wasn't the last fun weekend for a while... but it seems that it may be.
So Maggie came to visit me for my birthday (technically last weekend, but it's also still my birthday week)... she arrived on Friday and we stayed up catching up. Saturday we went for a walk... ended up at two malls... and then shopped downtown before going to lunch with Heather. We chilled at my place for a bit before leaving to show Maggie Heather's new appartment. There we practiced some "modern" dance... lol... and Heather showed us some really cool tricks! Of course we also got to play with Nelly and Sally! :) Anyways, Maggie and I then went to visit Craig for a bit before dinner. It was such a busy day... that ended with dancing... watching shows... and one a.m. hot fudge sundaes! Awesome! Then this morning Maggie and I went out for breakfast (I LOVE PANCAKES!) before she had to leave. :( Spent quite a bit of time on homework before Jenn got back and started telling me all about her awesome week. I hope that this wasn't the last fun weekend for a while... but it seems that it may be.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Isn't it just so awesome that everyone gets a holiday today to celebrate MY birthday!! lol. Today also is my last day of the summer since I've got school tomorrow! :( Better make it an awesome day!!
Isn't it just so awesome that everyone gets a holiday today to celebrate MY birthday!! lol. Today also is my last day of the summer since I've got school tomorrow! :( Better make it an awesome day!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
NY weekend!
Through crazy-bad traffic on Friday afternoon, I drove down to Maggie's house to visit her for the weekend. We first went to her sister's house for dinner with her family and to help pack up. Then we got ready to go out dancing at night. The club was cool... good drinks! :) Music was awesome at the beginning but nobody was dancing... but then near the end when everyone was dancing, the music started really sucking. How do you dance to rap if you are a white girl?? Just asking. Anyways, the next morning after cheerios we left to move Beckie and Dave into their new house. Some packing first, then the big move. That was really tiring... but at least I never had to do any really heavy lifting. After assembling some furniture and arranging the house a bit, Maggie and I left on our NY mini trip. No problems at the border :) We got to the awesomest mall ever and shopped a bit. I got new jeans and a sweatshirt! :) Yeah for pants that fit and don't need a belt!!! lol. We went to fuddruckers for dinner, which is the best burger restaurant ever!! It's kind of like make your own burgers, since you get to design your own topings... seriously, that was an amazing burger! After dinner we went to Target because I had never been and I got to see all this cool food you can't get up here. OMG! Must go grocery shopping there one day!! wow. The next morning Maggie's mom made us french toast! It was very delicious!! I must find out how she made it so soft... it was much better than my mom's french toast! Anyways, the drive home was really smooth but I missed my exit and ending up driving through downtown T.O., past the CN tower and such. It's funny how much being in T.O. and N.Y. makes me smile. I honestly could barely stop smiling the whole time I was in both cities. lol.
Last week before school! Must have fun... and fininsh this Dicken's novel (Oliver Twist).
Last week before school! Must have fun... and fininsh this Dicken's novel (Oliver Twist).
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A Good Summer
Last week was pretty much one of the best days of my summer... actually although the summer started off pretty miserably, it's been pretty great lately... here is what I have been up to:
1. Got my grade back from summer school... A+ of course!! YEAH!! :)
2. Went to Waterloo with two of my friends to visit Sharon and her boyfriend. Had an awesome time shopping in the area and hanging out together at night... sleepover was awesome!
3. Had a BBQ at my house while the family was out. A bunch of friends came over and we cooked food and then played twister. I haven't played that in soooo long, but it's so much fun with friends! This was also a sleepover and a we went out for brunch again, and I discovered a new favorite restaurant.... despite the horrible service.
4. Got new glasses that help me not look like I'm in high school
5. Had dinner with Heather S and got to see all my old coworkers
6. Yesterday I went shopping with Heather J, and then had sushi dinner. Sushi is still hard to fit in my mouth, but I forced it and it was so worth it! Yummmm.... Eel!! :) We also got some frozen yogurt from the same place I went with Maggie a few weeks before. That place is sooo cool!!
7. Just got back from shopping with my mommy... I'm starting to work on a whole new wardrobe for school. I need clothes that make me look my age.
8. Read some good books, including a lot of Jane Austen and Angels & Demons... now I'm working on 20,000 leagues under the sea... which I'm not enjoying too much.
9. Went mini-golfing with Jenny and Celia in town... and then showed them around the town. We also made a delicious salmon wrap lunch and discovered some cool things about my town that I never really knew.
10. Finished catching up on True Blood episodes so now I know what everyone is talking about. :)
1. Got my grade back from summer school... A+ of course!! YEAH!! :)
2. Went to Waterloo with two of my friends to visit Sharon and her boyfriend. Had an awesome time shopping in the area and hanging out together at night... sleepover was awesome!
3. Had a BBQ at my house while the family was out. A bunch of friends came over and we cooked food and then played twister. I haven't played that in soooo long, but it's so much fun with friends! This was also a sleepover and a we went out for brunch again, and I discovered a new favorite restaurant.... despite the horrible service.
4. Got new glasses that help me not look like I'm in high school
5. Had dinner with Heather S and got to see all my old coworkers
6. Yesterday I went shopping with Heather J, and then had sushi dinner. Sushi is still hard to fit in my mouth, but I forced it and it was so worth it! Yummmm.... Eel!! :) We also got some frozen yogurt from the same place I went with Maggie a few weeks before. That place is sooo cool!!
7. Just got back from shopping with my mommy... I'm starting to work on a whole new wardrobe for school. I need clothes that make me look my age.
8. Read some good books, including a lot of Jane Austen and Angels & Demons... now I'm working on 20,000 leagues under the sea... which I'm not enjoying too much.
9. Went mini-golfing with Jenny and Celia in town... and then showed them around the town. We also made a delicious salmon wrap lunch and discovered some cool things about my town that I never really knew.
10. Finished catching up on True Blood episodes so now I know what everyone is talking about. :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Well, I'm dying to know my final grade for my summer course, but assuming I passed (it would appear pretty likely), I have officially completed my undergrad! WOOT! That's pretty exciting, and also kind of sucky. I don't want it to be over, I want to be an undergrad forever!! At least I still have school in September to look forward to, but honestly, it's not going to be the same!
Anyways, since I've been back, I've been continuing my reading obsession and working through my second Jane Austen novel. Apart from the total lack of origninality when it comes to naming her characters, I love the stories and I feel like they make me even more girly than before (not that I don't see the danger in that, but I love old fashioned romances). I can't wait to get back to school so that I can steal some more of my roommate's stash of old school books. lol.
Anyways, not much to say now, being here sucks.
Anyways, since I've been back, I've been continuing my reading obsession and working through my second Jane Austen novel. Apart from the total lack of origninality when it comes to naming her characters, I love the stories and I feel like they make me even more girly than before (not that I don't see the danger in that, but I love old fashioned romances). I can't wait to get back to school so that I can steal some more of my roommate's stash of old school books. lol.
Anyways, not much to say now, being here sucks.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Study Time!

In other very exciting news, I finally ate apples slices today (big goal: eat whole apple). lol. It's been about seven weeks since I haven't had any delicious apple (minus apple juice which so doesn't count!). Next goals are sushi and salad. I could probably do salad now, but my mouth doesn't open up enough to eat sushi... and I'm nowhere near being able to eat a burger. Oh well, I can wait. It's not like I'm really missing out on anything. Soft foods are just as good as hard foods!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Summer School

Friday, June 19, 2009
Excuse The Extreme Lack Of Updates!
I'm back! lol. Almost fully! But not quite! Recovery has been painful, boring, tiring and aggravating. The lack of decent pain medication was upsetting, although I understand that it had to be liquid and that does limit my choices... but the morphine was so great that I wish I could have kept that up a little longer! The other stuff the gave me made me very sick and I woke up every hour or two the first night to throw up... which is traumatizing when you can't open your mouth. No need for details there though! Anyways, I survived my first week (minus the severe weight loss - probably at least 20 pounds - which made me sickly thin). It's been getting better since then... especially with all the ice cream! Two weeks in I discovered I could eat cake (although at a rediculously slow pace)... so I'm getting back to my normal weight slowly. When my friends came to see me and bring me green tea ice cream (LOVE YOU!) they totally noticed how skinny I was.... and how chubby my cheeks were. Fortunately the swelling is going down some more and I look almost normal. My mom says that my new chin makes me eyes look extra big, which is a little creepy...
Anyways, before the surgery, I got a new laptop, which I totally love! I also finished reading Jane Eyre and Little Women. I also read a biography on Kurt Cobain which was really interesting. During recovery I reread Le petit prince and I'm almost done Madame Bovary. I recently bought Oryx and Crake and I can't wait to read it! You'd be surprised how little reading I've been able to do this summer... surgery just made me want to sleep all the time and I couldn't keep my eyes open. But now I can leave the house (if only for a few hours) and have fun!
This week I went to Alice's convocation because she had an extra ticket. It was a really nice and perfect sunny day... and the ceremony wasn't nearly as dull as I had expected! BONUS! lol. I videotapped some parts for her and then we went on a major picture taking spree. lol. :) Then on Wednesday I visited my old work to buy plants for my apartment. It was awesome seeing my old coworkers and gossiping with them! I really miss work!! Staying at home is super boring and so not my style! It's aggravating that I'm not aloud to do things and go places even though I realize that I don't have the strength to do them no matter how much I want to.
Anyways, before the surgery, I got a new laptop, which I totally love! I also finished reading Jane Eyre and Little Women. I also read a biography on Kurt Cobain which was really interesting. During recovery I reread Le petit prince and I'm almost done Madame Bovary. I recently bought Oryx and Crake and I can't wait to read it! You'd be surprised how little reading I've been able to do this summer... surgery just made me want to sleep all the time and I couldn't keep my eyes open. But now I can leave the house (if only for a few hours) and have fun!
This week I went to Alice's convocation because she had an extra ticket. It was a really nice and perfect sunny day... and the ceremony wasn't nearly as dull as I had expected! BONUS! lol. I videotapped some parts for her and then we went on a major picture taking spree. lol. :) Then on Wednesday I visited my old work to buy plants for my apartment. It was awesome seeing my old coworkers and gossiping with them! I really miss work!! Staying at home is super boring and so not my style! It's aggravating that I'm not aloud to do things and go places even though I realize that I don't have the strength to do them no matter how much I want to.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Summer Reading
Okay, serious lack of updating! oops. Well, exams went well. I've already gotten two of my grades back, and I'm proud to say that they are both A+s. I've kind of been bored since school ended. The day after my last exam I started my favorite hobby - summer reading. Already read The Great Gatsby and Little Women... as well as Cobain Unseen which is the coolest book ever, even though it's not a novel. I'm currently reading Jane Eyre because I have heard good things about it. I really want to read the other three books in the twilight series, but I can't seem to get my hands on them... stupid libraries... so they might have to wait.
So I've moved back home for the moment. Already finished my first week back at work. Lots of the same people as before, so it's kind of nice to be back. Only a couple more weeks to go. Then I'll have all the reading time I want until summer school starts. Oh the possibilities.
On a sadder note, my laptop may or may not be dead... not sure yet. So I haven't had much Internet time... nor am I enjoying typing on a real keyboard now. SO MUCH EFFORT!!
So I've moved back home for the moment. Already finished my first week back at work. Lots of the same people as before, so it's kind of nice to be back. Only a couple more weeks to go. Then I'll have all the reading time I want until summer school starts. Oh the possibilities.
On a sadder note, my laptop may or may not be dead... not sure yet. So I haven't had much Internet time... nor am I enjoying typing on a real keyboard now. SO MUCH EFFORT!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
So Little Time
Studying is painfully boring. Why ever did I say that I liked it? lol. I'm officially done one take-home that was due aujourd'hui, and almost done (need to review it again) my second take-home that is due Tuesday. I have an exam Sunday that I can't exactly study for (we are going to be asked to read an article and respond to questions for French...) but what I am freaking out about is my HIS exam and my FRE exam. At least I have made my HIS study notes... but I think it's going to take me a while to memorize them. Tomorrow starts my two day dedication to FRE. I hope that by the end of this week I'm done all note making since my exams are Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. EEK! I hate not having much time between exams to study for the next one. Oh well. I just need to focus a lot on HIS right now. I actually should be spending my last few days here in a more exciting fashion. But I can't. School is my focus as always!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Last Week of School!
One class down. By Wednesday I'll be done three and by Thursday afternoon I'll be done all my classes! I only have one more assignment to hand in, one quiz, and one oral presentation (ick!). Oh, and five exams. lol. Although I'm "currently" working on one of my take-homes. So yah.... not much else to do. But I can't wait for this weekend (apart from it being Easter) because my friends are coming to visit me!! YEAH!!! :)
Friday, April 03, 2009
Joyeux Anniversaire Alice!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICE!! I hope you are having an awesome day!!
My weekend started yesterday afternoon and I have been decently productive. Now I really need to start my English take-home. I know it's not due until exams starts, and there is still another week of class, but I need to get it done early because I HAVE FRIENDS VISITING ME FOR EASTER! :) Yep! I'm excited! I'd be so bored otherwise... because I don't really feel like there is much homework left for me to do. Stupid end of school. Why am I so unstressed so close to the end?? Arrg. I wish the weather was better now, so that I could go outside. It was nice yesterday but it's raining so much right now and it's suppose to rain tomorrow too. :( GRRR! I hate being stuck inside with nothing to do. I wish my cd/dvd drive was working so I could at least play games... and I'm so angry that I forgot to take my dad's one when I was home this week.
Yes... I was home earlier this week. Tuesday after class I trained into home... then went out to visit Tacky for her birthday. I just had to give her my card! lol. By noon on Wednesday I was already on my way back here. I was litteraly only in the GTA for 15 hours. CRAZY! I don't want to do that again.... especially when I had to rush back for class Wednesday night! Oh well... back to boredom now. ta ta!
My weekend started yesterday afternoon and I have been decently productive. Now I really need to start my English take-home. I know it's not due until exams starts, and there is still another week of class, but I need to get it done early because I HAVE FRIENDS VISITING ME FOR EASTER! :) Yep! I'm excited! I'd be so bored otherwise... because I don't really feel like there is much homework left for me to do. Stupid end of school. Why am I so unstressed so close to the end?? Arrg. I wish the weather was better now, so that I could go outside. It was nice yesterday but it's raining so much right now and it's suppose to rain tomorrow too. :( GRRR! I hate being stuck inside with nothing to do. I wish my cd/dvd drive was working so I could at least play games... and I'm so angry that I forgot to take my dad's one when I was home this week.
Yes... I was home earlier this week. Tuesday after class I trained into home... then went out to visit Tacky for her birthday. I just had to give her my card! lol. By noon on Wednesday I was already on my way back here. I was litteraly only in the GTA for 15 hours. CRAZY! I don't want to do that again.... especially when I had to rush back for class Wednesday night! Oh well... back to boredom now. ta ta!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's an effort.
Anyways, nothing more to say... just don't let me down.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Twitter Syncing
For your own personal enjoyment, I have added twitter updates to my blog... so now you can read what I tweet if you don't have me on Twitter. lol. Super lame, I know. Please, it's not like I update one of these more than another, but oh well, syncing is good, right? If this starts to get creepy I'll have to fix that... but I'm still pretty impressed with my handy work. lol.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
I actually made food... wow.
Anyways, things are good. I spend some productive time in the library this afternoon and found a very helpful book. Now I just need to find the motivation to work on the essay. Stupid history course. lol.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
New Hair Color
Friday - Went over to Heather's house, then went shopping downtown and at the mall with Heather and Jenn. Probably did homework after, but I don't remember.
Saturday - Homework then baking with Heather. We made a coffee cake and some sugar cookies. The cake was lemon zesty and upside down... but in good ways! lol. And the cookies were suppose to be ducks and sheep (spring themed) but they grew when cooked them in the oven... so they turned out to be more like turkeys and clouds... lol. We also made racially diverse boy and girl cookies (some were more burned than others....) ha ha! Oh!! AND Heather died my hair that day too! lol... It was suppose to be a chestnut color, but it turned out more light brown with reddish tints. It looks pretty dark in this picture, but some people tell me it looks kind of strawberry blonde (which I don't agree with btw).
Sunday - Little homework then Jenn and I spent a while getting ready to go to Heather's tea party. We hot all dressed up and went over to drink tea and have intellectual conversation.
This week:
Monday - My history seems to be getting better (health wise) because he didn't seem like he was going to die during the lecture. Then I went to English class and had to sit through presentations for three hours. OMG! Anyways, we also got our midterm essays back (I wrote it before I went home for reading week) and I'm so freaking excited that I got a 95% on it! When he handed it back to me he even commented on it's amazingness. Thing is, I'm not an awesome English writer, but apparently he likes my thoughts... or my ability to regurgitate his theories back to him. lol.
Tuesday - Super boring class. Lots of reading. Mail came and I found out that I passed a french competency test that I had been stressing out over back in January. I not only passed... but I must have done very well because I do not need to take an extra course if I decided to go to teacher's college to improve my french.
Let's see what other goodness will come of this week. CELEBRATE!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Near the END now...
In other news, I have chosen my new hair color. According to Heather, "it's bold". Isn't that what I need? To make a statement for once? I don't know... I don't think it will be as bold as that time I went platinum blonde! Perhaps bold in another way...
Nothing much else is now. My grades are quite kind to me, and exam schedule as been posted... and of course once again I get to end before most people. BWHAHAHAHA!! lol.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday Heather and I went shopping (the bus system was free all weak because of the 50 something day strike earlier). So Heather and I took the bus and bought some shoes.... and Heather got some summer things (Hope you are having fun in Cuba BTW!)... and then we did lunch. It was a great Friday until I got home and did some homework...
Anyways, happy Valentines day to all who celebrate. Jenn and I went out for dinner... and I'm in a cheery mood because of my love for Sangria. :) lol
Monday, February 02, 2009
He saw his shadow. 6 more weeks of winter. boo.
One day I will make it up to Wiarton to see my lover.
Or I'll go to see Phil and pretend I'm in the movie.
Other than that, things have definitely been busy up here. Last week there were some winter events going on on campus, so Heather and I went dog sledding and for beavertails one day, and another day I got the traditional maple syrup on snow treat.
In other news, I broke up with Matt. It wasn't meant to be. And I knew it for a long time.
Friday morning, around 3:20am, my roommate comes storming into my room almost in tears complaining about server back pain. She had mentioned it to me before, but this was so bad that she was thrashing around on my floor and couldn't sleep. I really didn't know what to do, so I called her mom for her and I ended up taking her to emergency. To make a long story short, the doctor's took a few tests but couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, although the tests did point out that there certainly was something wrong. Anyways, they actually called her back two days ago and told her she needed to come back because they think she had pneumonia. So she went back today, and the nurses freaked out on her and now she is on antibiotics... and even though there is a very small chance that I could get pneumonia from her, I'm certainly keeping my distance. lol. This all happened while I was trying to write my english essay over the weekend. And I am ever so proud I finished it in two days, despite crazy sleep deprivation unlike any I have ever experienced before.
Not much else to say of importance... Maggie's trip up here was fun, despite the horrible cold that prevented us from going out.
School is challenging - just the way I like it... but I'm still looking forward to reading week.
One day I will make it up to Wiarton to see my lover.
Or I'll go to see Phil and pretend I'm in the movie.
Other than that, things have definitely been busy up here. Last week there were some winter events going on on campus, so Heather and I went dog sledding and for beavertails one day, and another day I got the traditional maple syrup on snow treat.
In other news, I broke up with Matt. It wasn't meant to be. And I knew it for a long time.
Friday morning, around 3:20am, my roommate comes storming into my room almost in tears complaining about server back pain. She had mentioned it to me before, but this was so bad that she was thrashing around on my floor and couldn't sleep. I really didn't know what to do, so I called her mom for her and I ended up taking her to emergency. To make a long story short, the doctor's took a few tests but couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, although the tests did point out that there certainly was something wrong. Anyways, they actually called her back two days ago and told her she needed to come back because they think she had pneumonia. So she went back today, and the nurses freaked out on her and now she is on antibiotics... and even though there is a very small chance that I could get pneumonia from her, I'm certainly keeping my distance. lol. This all happened while I was trying to write my english essay over the weekend. And I am ever so proud I finished it in two days, despite crazy sleep deprivation unlike any I have ever experienced before.
Not much else to say of importance... Maggie's trip up here was fun, despite the horrible cold that prevented us from going out.
School is challenging - just the way I like it... but I'm still looking forward to reading week.
Friday, January 23, 2009
.:Post 500:. LANDMARK!!
Yup, I finally made it to 500 posts! It's been soo long since I last updated that I forgot that this one was going to be special! lol. Anyways, things since my last post have been a little crazy! That Monday I went to English class (first one of the semester) and found out that I was already a book behind (although everyone in the class was also) so I had to read A LOT to get it done for the following class. I also had this uber important french test last Saturday that had me really freaked out. I know I did exactly as I imagined I would do, but unfortunately my performance was pretty bad. I wouldn't be surprised if I failed.... honestly. Also, I had thought that the written part had gone alright, but it turned out that I made a few mistakes... so odds are really up in the air here. Anyways, Saturday night I went out to celebrate Jessica's birthday with my roommate. Before going out we had a margarita party that was super cool... and certainly a must do again! Then pretty much this whole week since than I have been busting my ass do get stuff done (especially ANOTHER English novel) so I can have a free weekend with Maggie. In fact, she's on her way here right now! lol. I aught to clean me room actually... Anyways, HAPPY 500th POST!! :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
School Time
Since I've been back at school, I've:
Monday: survived the epic train and taxi ride... then Nathan's going away party at Craig's house.
Tuesday - Thursday: Exciting days of first classes
Friday: Start studying for stupid test
Saturday: Epic shopping and library day, followed by studying
Sunday: another study day and wasted time... followed by watching Mulan with Jenn and having a chocolate binge.
Monday (today): One class down, some studying and another class to go. yeah! NOT.
Monday, January 05, 2009
I am on the train, heading back to school. I will be there soon… but then it will take quite some time before I get to my apartment. This train is really full… my luggage had to be stored in the bathroom because there was no space left. I guess all the other students got a lot of stuff for Christmas and have to bring it all back like me. ha ha. I named my suitcase Fatso… because it’s soooo fat! And no, I don’t want it to lose weight, because that would mean taking something out of it that I want to keep. Fatso is in the bathroom… and I am sitting alone on the train. I actually have space now because some people just got off.
Last night was the Chinese food night to celebrate Ry’s birthday (which is still a week away actually). My grandparents and one of their friends came over and despite my best efforts to find something on the menu that sounded almost authentic, I failed to get anything but American-Chinese food. meh.
I am about to start my 8th semester of university. Does that sound crazy to you? I still love it after so many semesters. ♥ ha ha. I must be crazy. Anyways, I still do not have all my grades back from last semester (I actually only know two right now) but I did all right. I think I will enjoy my classes this semester, although I’ll probably suffer quite a bit with my English class… too many novels to read!! Plus I really suck at English! This is the first semester I am taking a History course… and sadly it is a first year one and I am seriously not in the mood to hear the difference between a teacher and a professor again. *GAG!*
Wish me luck!
(Especially with getting Fatso home without hurting myself!!)
Last night was the Chinese food night to celebrate Ry’s birthday (which is still a week away actually). My grandparents and one of their friends came over and despite my best efforts to find something on the menu that sounded almost authentic, I failed to get anything but American-Chinese food. meh.
I am about to start my 8th semester of university. Does that sound crazy to you? I still love it after so many semesters. ♥ ha ha. I must be crazy. Anyways, I still do not have all my grades back from last semester (I actually only know two right now) but I did all right. I think I will enjoy my classes this semester, although I’ll probably suffer quite a bit with my English class… too many novels to read!! Plus I really suck at English! This is the first semester I am taking a History course… and sadly it is a first year one and I am seriously not in the mood to hear the difference between a teacher and a professor again. *GAG!*
Wish me luck!
(Especially with getting Fatso home without hurting myself!!)
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Seriously Needing To Update!!
Last post was from my first train right home in December. I came home... went to my orthodontist appointment... made some excellent study notes... did a little Christmas shopping... and then went back to school that Saturday. I didn't even have the time to see any friends. Anyways, I was only back at school for a few more days... that were mostly focused on studying for my last exam. The Monday I was at school, Matt took me shopping and he bought me the nicest boots I have ever had! :) He had to have them ordered in from another part of the province because they didn't have the color I wanted in my size. lol... I'm picky! ha ha. Anyways, I ♥ my bootsies! ha ha... I didn't take them off the whole day I got them. When Craig came by to visit me that night I was still wearing them! he he. The next morning I got a ride to the station from Matt's parents (buses are on strike)... so I didn't have to wait alone at the station. They were really nice and I hope they liked me!
Anyways, I survived my train ride back home. But the next day it snowed like CRAZY! I tried to drive down to visit some friends out of town, but when I made it to my friend's house to pick her up, I had to drive home again because the weather was tooo bad! I actually got stuck on her street three times and she had to help me dig out my car! lol. I also got stuck that day in my own driveway because I couldn't make it up the hill! I guess that is what I get for driving a little car! lol. Anyways, we rescheduled the meeting and met up on Christmas eve for lunch. We talked about the trip we were planning to New York after Christmas and updated each other on our lives since the summer. I couldn't believe it had been so long since I had last seen them!
Christmas day was alright. I got excellent gifts (aka money for my NYC trip) and some nice clothes. Nothing really special though. Ry got a really cool camera and a record player... both suit him pretty well. I was mostly overly excited about a special message I got that really made my day. Sometimes I wonder if I get such messages just because the sender wants to amuse me, or if... I don't know... but I hope that's not the reason. Anyways, that night my uncle and new aunt came over for dinner. I had never met her before (she's only 6 years older than me!!! CREEPY!!) but she is also really nice. I could actually imagine her more as my friend than as my aunt. Dinner was excellent though.... I really enjoyed my pumpkin soup! :)
I did go shopping on boxing day... with my mom... but I got nothing. I wanted to save all my money for NYC! lol.
The following day (the 27th) we got on the bus and took the long long long ride out to NYC. I shopped A LOT!! lol. And spent more money than I ever have at one time in my life! I also found a new obsession with Guess... I love my new wallet... and watch... and earings... and bracelet.... The second day of our trip we went sigthseeing, but even then we had a lot of shopping time. We got to go to all the really nice stores... but we were sooo tired from all the walking that we decided that before we go back next time, we will have to workout a lot! lol. I really MUST go back! I had too much fun! I saw so much, and yet it feels like I barely saw anything at all. I was a little sad that I never made it to SOHO... but there will be a next time! :) WITH NO PURPLE TOE!! lol.
New years was also great this year. Alice, Jenny W, Celia K, Sharon, Henry and I went to Moxie's for drinks and to do the countdown. The raspberry kiwi crush was really awesome! Even if I had to have it virgin. lol. It was fun sounding like an experienced drinker for once. lol. It was definitely fun watching my other friends drink and take their first shots. ha ha. The manager actually came by to personally thank us for coming, and the waiter was really awesome! He gave Celia a free desert because it was her birthday a few days before! :)
Tonight I just got back from dinner with my elementry school friends: Heidi, Tara and Heather. Heather and I actually went back to our old work to visit before heading over to meet the others for sushi! Dinner was really good... but I was mostly excited for my green tea ice cream! I was surprised to find that my other friends really like sushi too.... since I normally reserve such dinners for high school friends.
Anyways, tomorrow we shall celebrate my brother's 19th birthday with chinese food... then I'm back to school next week for my last semester! How tragic! :( It's still exciting though. Annoyingly though, they still haven't given me all my grades from last semester yet... GRRRR!!!
Anyways, I survived my train ride back home. But the next day it snowed like CRAZY! I tried to drive down to visit some friends out of town, but when I made it to my friend's house to pick her up, I had to drive home again because the weather was tooo bad! I actually got stuck on her street three times and she had to help me dig out my car! lol. I also got stuck that day in my own driveway because I couldn't make it up the hill! I guess that is what I get for driving a little car! lol. Anyways, we rescheduled the meeting and met up on Christmas eve for lunch. We talked about the trip we were planning to New York after Christmas and updated each other on our lives since the summer. I couldn't believe it had been so long since I had last seen them!
Christmas day was alright. I got excellent gifts (aka money for my NYC trip) and some nice clothes. Nothing really special though. Ry got a really cool camera and a record player... both suit him pretty well. I was mostly overly excited about a special message I got that really made my day. Sometimes I wonder if I get such messages just because the sender wants to amuse me, or if... I don't know... but I hope that's not the reason. Anyways, that night my uncle and new aunt came over for dinner. I had never met her before (she's only 6 years older than me!!! CREEPY!!) but she is also really nice. I could actually imagine her more as my friend than as my aunt. Dinner was excellent though.... I really enjoyed my pumpkin soup! :)
I did go shopping on boxing day... with my mom... but I got nothing. I wanted to save all my money for NYC! lol.
The following day (the 27th) we got on the bus and took the long long long ride out to NYC. I shopped A LOT!! lol. And spent more money than I ever have at one time in my life! I also found a new obsession with Guess... I love my new wallet... and watch... and earings... and bracelet.... The second day of our trip we went sigthseeing, but even then we had a lot of shopping time. We got to go to all the really nice stores... but we were sooo tired from all the walking that we decided that before we go back next time, we will have to workout a lot! lol. I really MUST go back! I had too much fun! I saw so much, and yet it feels like I barely saw anything at all. I was a little sad that I never made it to SOHO... but there will be a next time! :) WITH NO PURPLE TOE!! lol.
New years was also great this year. Alice, Jenny W, Celia K, Sharon, Henry and I went to Moxie's for drinks and to do the countdown. The raspberry kiwi crush was really awesome! Even if I had to have it virgin. lol. It was fun sounding like an experienced drinker for once. lol. It was definitely fun watching my other friends drink and take their first shots. ha ha. The manager actually came by to personally thank us for coming, and the waiter was really awesome! He gave Celia a free desert because it was her birthday a few days before! :)
Tonight I just got back from dinner with my elementry school friends: Heidi, Tara and Heather. Heather and I actually went back to our old work to visit before heading over to meet the others for sushi! Dinner was really good... but I was mostly excited for my green tea ice cream! I was surprised to find that my other friends really like sushi too.... since I normally reserve such dinners for high school friends.
Anyways, tomorrow we shall celebrate my brother's 19th birthday with chinese food... then I'm back to school next week for my last semester! How tragic! :( It's still exciting though. Annoyingly though, they still haven't given me all my grades from last semester yet... GRRRR!!!
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