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SNOW! AHHHH!!! It feels ways way too soon for this! Worst of all, it's still snowing!! And it's actually staying on the ground!! AHHHH!!!! lol. I guess you could say I'm a snowiste because I want this stupid snow to go back from where it came from! Good ridance! My world would be so better off without snow. ha ha ha.
Anyways, I haven't updated in a while, so let me tell you about last weekend. On Friday my roommate, her friend and I had a movie night where we watch the old school Clue movie! lol. Then on Saturday I went out for lunch of with Matt, followed by a concert at the art gallery. We hung out a bit at my place, and I was finally getting dry again (it rained all day) when my roommate and her friend that was up for the weekend took me out shopping for a few supplies for the night. We got back, and started playing some awesome board games... ever heard of quiddler? Well, I lost the English round (despite a good lead for most of the game), but you can beat that I certainly won the French round! WOOT! Let it be known I won by a landslide! ha ha. Anyways, after Quiddler and MadGab, we went out to the bar down the street and drank some more... and didn't come home until after one a.m.! OH MY! Sunday was much more tame, I studied a bit and we all went out for dinner. It was a very good weekend!
Yesterday Jenn and I went shopping in the morning for the finishing touches to our halloween costumes. I got the red headband I needed, but unfortunaly it was a set and I had to get that crazy cherry one from the picture that I think I could only pull off if I was a serious Hello Kitty fan! lol. Anyways, then after class Heather and I went back to the mall and I helped her finish off her costume. We are all going to be sooo cute! I'm sooo excited! Halloween is going to be really good this year it seems!
It's getting quite chilly up here these days. I miss summer... or last week even when it felt like summer all over again. Anyways, I realize that I haven't updated in a while, which can only be explained half by laziness and half by actually being busy. It's midterm season now, and I only have one down... and three to go. Friday is going to be the worst... I'm actually very worried about that one, but my other two should be alright. Oh, and we just got our exam schedules, so I must find out what is going on with that and when I will be home again. This month I've already been home twice (although once was certainly enough) and I'm glad I wouldn't be home too soon again (it's really just a hassle). Other than that, I actually have news to inform you with, but I can hardly believe it myself. So we'll just leave it for now until it sinks in a little more. Toodles! I'm off to study some more!
Another post from the train, because frankly there is nothing better to do here than think about life and avoid doing homework. There are lots and lots of farms out here… wherever we are. Je veux simplement ajouter ici que le gars a côté de moi lit un livre que j’ai toujours cru était pour des femmes… celui a propos de les confessions d’une femme qui magasine trop. Tu sais lequel! Bizarre, n’est pas? Anyways, I hate to admit that I am still obsessing, but that kind of attention drives me crazy! MUST STOP TYPING because all sentences are leading me into trouble right now. BIES!
The whole reason I came home this weekend was for my eldest cousin’s wedding on Saturday. As far back as my memory goes, I had never been to a wedding, so I knew that I really aught to make the trip down here to go to this one. Plus, the girl he married has the exact same name as me! CREEPY!! Anyways, my brother came home for the weekend too, so it was nice to see him… but it was great seeing the rest of my family. I probably won’t get to see them at Christmas this year, so who knows when I’ll get that chance again. At first my brother and I kind of kept to ourselves, but we finally made it over to the cool table and ended up having fun. However, with my mix of questions about school and the yelling to be heard over the music, I discovered this morning that I have lost my voice. I have had a cold for the past week now, but I didn’t think that it could actually get worse! Not cool!!
P.S. Guess who caught the bouquet! That was a little embarrassing... especially since I really didn't want it!!
This is certainly the most time I have had to write anything in a while. This week was far too insane school wise, and even in my minimal social life. On Wednesday I had two presentations, one in French and one in Spanish. The French one last the entire class! I was actually only presenting for roughly 40 minutes, but I had to stand up at the front the whole time for questions. This particular teacher does not seem overly bright because she asked many questions relating to my presentation layout, as well as the material I presented. There was much discussion with the rest of the class too, since I can could the number of students on my hand. Anyways, then later that day I had my Spanish presentation on housewives. (Ha Ha, I am using Microsoft Word to write this and it does not accept the term housewives and wishes me to use homemakers instead! I did not know that it mattered! [This also explains the lack of contractions in my text]). I am certainly more worried about my Spanish presentation because of my horrible pronunciation. In addition, I was forced to present first, which at this point seems like a good idea because everyone in my class is far more advanced than I.
Then on Thursday, a friend of Craig’s had invited me out to see a movie with him to pay me back for not making it to my party last Saturday. (By the way, Saturday was awesome! Casablanca in a club baby!) Anyways, we saw Burn after Reading, the movie with Brad Pitt. I do not exactly recommend it since the start was particularly slow… but then finally Brad Pitt came in and his character was by far the funniest! It was a very atypical role for him. The major problem with the movie (SPOILER ALERT) is that after Brad dies (only actually good part) everyone else just dies too, which is a little funny… but not really. Si vouz voulez en savoir plus, demandez moi!
Anyways, now it is Friday, and it has been a very stressful day. I had class this morning, and then I came home to get ready to leave for Toronto. I had another class just a short while ago, and had to leave from class right to the train station. Thus not only did everyone see all of my luggage, but also when I realized I had forgotten my headphones I knew that I could not return home to pick them up. Fortunately my friend Leslie was in this class and she was kind enough to pick them up at my house and bring them to me at the train station! THANKS AGAIN!
P.S. SERIOUSLY MISSING THE INTERNET!! lol. (Will post this sometime over the weekend… maybe).