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okay, so that's technically not what I look like RIGHT now... as I am sitting here in a huge black sweatshirt (my bro's old one - and it could probably eat me if it wanted to). But that was me like a minute ago!Anyways, I'm like totally excited that all my midterms are finally over - (although the last one was a killer, failure for sure...). But this means that exams are right around the corner. Literally, they start next week for me! And I have 4 in one week!! Ooch! Oh, and if you were wondering, I also have two major projects due next week! Worst of all class isn't over yet! lol. Anyways, I'll be home in much less than a month. yah! I'm of course dreaming of all the good shopping and seeing tons of people that I missed last visit home. I seriously can't wait!
Honestly can't wait to go home. Christmas is soo soon, as I am constantly reminded... and this semester seems everlasting - in a bad way! arg. I'm more so angry that I STILL have midterms. Hard ones too. grrrr. Anyways, I can't wait until my hard exams are over! The week I have before I go home sounds like a blast, and then my time home should be amazing... as I hope to have the chance to see everyone!!LATELY-Friday: Nightime shopping after Craig locked himself out of his room.-Saturday: Maggie's party... ha ha, firedrill!!-Sunday: Alice's phone call!! (Can't believe we went through TWO calling cards!)
Days leading up to the end of this week have been stressful. Today I had a midterm... (woot! only one more to go before exams start!). [Perhaps you wish me to post au sujet d'un petit event prior of which most are ignorant, but I thought nothing of it - and it had no effect ni évocation.] Anyways, tomorrow I have both a major essay for English, and an analysis for ESP. I think my essay is yucky, although prior to yesterday I was modestly pleased with it. The analysis on the other hand as yet to be completed. That's right... Shannon actually hasn't had it finished for like a week or something! We all remember high school, we know I never did my stuff last minute... but you can't imagine how much stuff I had to do lately. In my spare time I was too tired to even look at it. Of course it's not like it hasn't been started. lol. Seriously, did you think I could ever leave something completely to the last minute?! ha ha. I doubt it.
Ballerina days. ha ha, yesterday I really felt like a pretty ballerina as I had my hair in a tight bun and wore only pink. Sadly I had let my hair dry all tied up and when I took it out last night I realized it was insane! My hair was totally crazy! ha ha! So today I had to wear it up in a bun again! But it totally doesn't look I like have any hair in this photo. meh. Anyways, yesterday was boring because of sooo much homework... at least it seemed that way. I was working hard on my essay and almost finished it - so when I got up this morning that was the first thing I did. I finished it after lunch and then went shopping with Craig in celebration. Now I am working on my next project thing. oh the funness never stops! Ummm, last night Craig and I watched Sleeping Beauty!!! It's like so the best movie ever!! I've seen it like a billion times, and absolutely love it! I always thought that she was one of the prettiest disney princesses. lol. Anyways, back to my homework - I have a really busy week coming up!
Tonight, even though I really have to start doing my English essay, Craig and I ordered dinner in! Yummy! Later on we decided to go out, cuz it was Friday, so we went for bubble tea! Yummy! (So classic for me!) It was my first time ever having cherry bubble tea. Very good! But what is cooler is that it was Craig's first time! He had never had bubble tea... lol, shame! Anyways, I think he liked it. Anyways, when we got home we started thinking about playing some games. Uno, cards, card tricks... saw some of Pirates, and the season 3 christmas episode of family guy, just b/c it's getting close to christmas... I can't wait for christmas!!! Just over a month!
That makes twice this week I stayed up late and straightened my hair. I can asure you that I have no idea why I do this. It's not like anyone will see, and by the next morning it's not perfect anymore. Plus, it's probably not the best thing to do to my hair... I can't explain it. - On another topic I sooo need a haircut! (If you read my blog last year you would know when I say that I do, it's usually a really long time before I get around to it!)Today I had my oral presentation. C'était en français! yah, you could say that it pretty much went just like any of my other presentations... not good. I can name only a few presentations I actually liked... and that was because of my pretty visuels... lol. Yea, when it comes to orals, I tend to talk really fast and make very little sense. After class I was talking to this guy who was also in my class last year, and he cheered me up by saying that I at least seemed more confident this time. yah! Shame I can't be more calm when I have to go up there. Oh well. At least it's over. That's all I can say!Well, you knew it had to happen. I'm wondering if anything is really avoidable in this situation. You were kinda a jerk though. I don't know what you were thinking... but perhaps you liked the way it was going. - I doubt it. ha ha. Or you wanted to stop it, but were scared. Well I have to say I am as torn as you. Well, maybe not.
I don't know how to say it. No, - scratch that - I don't even know what to say anymore. I feel as though I may have finally run out of things to say about everything - except the stupid things of course.I knew November would be a hard month. I just do tons of work... and seem not to get very far. I still have just as much at the end of the day. But I think most people have that feeling.It took me over a year to say it: but I really do just want to go home right now. I love this town, that's not the problem. I just really want to go home. I can't explain it... cuz it's not like there is much there either... I don't really even care about seeing my family that much. I wish I was better at English, then I would be able to express this feeling. Après avoir pensar, je me rends al conclusion que jaimerais obtenir el mismo sécurité que jai allí - pour ceci jaimerais retourner chez yo ahora. Je sens plus de paz là. Il ny a rien que vous pouvez faire pour le changer, c'est simplement la realidad del situación. Mais, yo sais que je ne peudo pas y aller. Donc je reste ici - pas totalmente contente, mais yo sais también que cette emozione passera bientôt. Nous avons tous des giorni gris.So, I went to a translator, to translate that and see if it would make sense... I was not amused that like 80% of it was right. That was too high... so I took out all the accents and apostrophes. But then I got really pissed when I found out that even if you don't have the accents, it still got the words correct! I don't understand that!! So, I made it in spanish and french! HAA! and I kept the apostrophes out! Somehow I think it is still understandable... grrr...
Haha, holding this pose was actually making my eyes water. Anyways, I just wanted to say that yesterday, althought it may have been one of the worst days, I was still optimistic all day. You can't get yourself down about things that don't really matter. Yesterday:7:30am - it's so painful getting up that early.8:30am - got back midterm from friday, worst midterm mark in my life - a personnal échec. 10:00am - ran to group meeting which only lasted 45mins. (upset about that - not happy!)11:00am - canceled gym for the rest of the semester with Ber.12:30pm - Went to program library - it was closed for lunch until 11:05pm - Went back to library, found out only yesterday it would actually be closed until 1:30pm1:45pm - Went back to that library, couldn't find what I was looking for - actually didn't even make it all the way inside though.2:00pm - 9:45pm - did nothing, not even homework... somehow managed to play on my computer and watch TV that whole time.9:45pm - f'in fire drill!10:00pm - 11:00pm - disapointing episode of gilmore girls.And that is why yesterday sucked! Oh- did I mention today I had to wake up at a quater to 7? Painful!!
So I'm wondering if fall was simply skipped this year. It seemed to go from nice summerish weather, straight to snow and coldness. It snowed this morning... and now it's really cold. I'm cold! I hate weather. meh. Yesterday was intersting. I loved our 4 hour phone call Tacky! I hope neither of us get into any trouble for that. ha ha. It was great to catch up with you, cuz you know I love gossip about our friends. lol.
School has been the devil lately. I had two difficult midterms this morning, one right after the other. No need to discuss how they went b/c I really have no idea, although one I certainly have a better feeling about than the other. Anyways, I know it's my fault for not studying as much as I should have, it's just that it's been years since I have been in the center of so much drama. I remember a time when I used to love it, I used to enjoy that long phone calls about gossip and the being extra bitchy because you felt you had a reason. Those were the good old days. Drama now just doesn't seem as fun. It's rather annoying actually. Has current events caused me to receive a lower grade on my midterms today? Sometimes I would like to think so, just so that I could have someone else to blame, but the truth is my lack of studying is really only my fault.Okay, that was a little vague, but I am kinda sick of talking about it.