Mieux vaut vivre un jour comme un lion que cent ans comme un mouton.
I'm a sheep.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Blogging Off A Picutre

Maggie called me after dinner and we went to the mall to get some posters. Now I have an extra poster in my room. It's a Stewie one from Family Guy. Tomorrow is my busy day, I have too many classes! At the end of the day some people might meet up at my house so we can all go to Heather's party together. I say it's Heather's because it's at her house, but really it's a party for me, maggie, and steph b/c our bday are pretty close together. Once 2mora is over with my bday will finally be officially over and done with. I started receiving gifts at the end of august and my final ones shall be at the end of september... meh - I don't mind. Goodnight.
bubble city

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Grand Tally
Books = 225$ + still two books to buy. You might hate me for saying that I was able to buy ten books for this semester with that money... seeing as how I know you can spend 100$ on just one. But still, that was 225$ out of my own pocket. Tragedy.
Spent 20$ on a laundry card... which will probably all be used up by mid november... seeing as how it's it's 2.00 to wash and another 1.50 to dry!
Pretty much all the other school fees are paid for by mommy and daddy, school is really only costing me about 300$ per semester.
This doesn't includ the extra spending money....
- bus tickets - already spent about 20$ and have used up almost all my tickets...
- movies - have already seen 2 movies... there goes another 20$ + 6$ for popcorn.
- clothing - haven't spent any money there yet... but that will not take long...
- groceries - have to buy a lot of juice... so like 7 dollars per week...
Thus, I will have spent about 375 dollars by the end of the month.... and 50$ a month for october, november and december. In conclusion, each semester I spend about 500$ (must take under account clothing money and such..)
That's ONLY 1,00$ per year!
Spent 20$ on a laundry card... which will probably all be used up by mid november... seeing as how it's it's 2.00 to wash and another 1.50 to dry!
Pretty much all the other school fees are paid for by mommy and daddy, school is really only costing me about 300$ per semester.
This doesn't includ the extra spending money....
- bus tickets - already spent about 20$ and have used up almost all my tickets...
- movies - have already seen 2 movies... there goes another 20$ + 6$ for popcorn.
- clothing - haven't spent any money there yet... but that will not take long...
- groceries - have to buy a lot of juice... so like 7 dollars per week...
Thus, I will have spent about 375 dollars by the end of the month.... and 50$ a month for october, november and december. In conclusion, each semester I spend about 500$ (must take under account clothing money and such..)
That's ONLY 1,00$ per year!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Post # 330!
Sunday was a terrible day. All I did was sleep and try and get better. Since Saturday night I have had a runny nose... and am developping a cough. But I think I am starting to get better. Meh. It's been a yucky weekend.
Maggie came to visit me today, and I got to meet my C.A., who gave our rez a challenge. So Craig, Maggie and I ran all over our little building finding people who qualified for certain categories. I bet we were the first ones to hand it in too! Yah!
Maggie came to visit me today, and I got to meet my C.A., who gave our rez a challenge. So Craig, Maggie and I ran all over our little building finding people who qualified for certain categories. I bet we were the first ones to hand it in too! Yah!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Don't See Black Dahlia!
Last night Ber, Craig and I saw "Black Dahlia". Ber liked it... but Craig and I both agree... it sucked! It was too confussing... and it didn't really focus on the case as much as the creepy love triangle. The story was good, but it was one of those movies you really have to pay attention to. And even though we were actually being good movie watchers, the people behind us didn't help. Don't you just hate it when you have loud people behind you? You can always tell they are going to be loud even before the movie starts. Meh. We got home late and spent more money then we should have.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
She wonders...

Craig... did you know both of our new roommates sing? Well, D. sings quite often... in the bathroom, in his room... actually... he sings a lot! And A., I caught her singing in the kitchen today.... lol.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Today is Wednesday.

Anyways, I just got back from the library with Craig, because my work load is seriously starting to pile up and one of my housemates was starting to be loud... so I just decided to leave. That's not very exciting... is it? Well, I have been mostly going to class, doing homework, and decorating my room. I'm in a boring rut. sorries.
Monday, September 11, 2006

In other pbday present news, I finally got the cake my parents ordered me... and ran into Heather on the way back to rez with my cake... she helped me bring it inside... so she got a piece... I told my roommates they can all have some too. So I actually had chocolate cake at 10am this morning.
Finally, I recently found out I was a loud to post the very cool poem that Robin wrote me... I wasn't sure before if I could... but just so you all get jealous that Robin wrote me an awesome poem... here it is:
On the 7th of September, the start of the year
unlucky for her, there is school to now fear
but another important event is due
there's Shannon's birthday to celebrate too!
She's a shopoholic and loves the colour pink
get out of her way!
in a mall, she'll pass you without a wink
afterall there are clothes to be tried on and people to see
if only the mall was opened 24-7
she'd be happy as can be!
Happy Birthday Shannon
for what it's worth
on September the seventh
I am not regretful of your birth =p!!
Thank you Robin and Sammy... you guys are awesome!!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Practicing my French...

Là nous avons aider Craig à acheter des pantalons d'enfant! Puis nous avons aller au cinéma pour voir le film "little miss sunshine". C'est un film mignon a propos d'un concours pour des jeunes filles et l'aventure d'une famille pour entrer leur petite fille dans ce concours. Il y a des moments droles et d'autres qui simplement m'ont amusés.
Après le film, Craig et moi sont allés à l'épicerie. Nous aimons tous les deux le jus! Puis pour retourner à l'école, j'ai dû courir pour l'autobus! Quel horreur! Mais c'était quand même amusant!
Aujourd'hui je n'ai rien fait. C'est la vie!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
How is there a fire? IT'S RAINING!

Friday, September 08, 2006
Post-Bday Post
Last night was very awesome. I finally got my bed... and it looks perfect. Lots more storage now... not like I really need it... but I'm sure I'll find a use for it. Maggie and I thought one of the movers was quite adorable... but probably too young for either of us. It's so sad how much older one day makes you feel. Anyways, after the bed movers left, Maggie, Craig and I went out to the expensive cake store... and bought some cake. Afterwards we had heard of a festival going on at parliament, so we went down to the hill to check it out. Got a space on the bleachers and watched a 30 minute light show where they displayed pictures and clips on the actual building - without a screen! It was really insane. I've never seen the building in a rainbow of colors... it looked sweet! Meh... then Craig and I went home and I got a call from Tacky just after 10. We talked for so long we used up all her long distance minutes and got cut off in the end. lol.... sadly we wouldn't be able to do that again for a while.
Today's classes were insane... and I definitely don't want to talk about them... that only relives how painful they were. ack! But in my last class today I met up with this women, who last school year seemed to have the perfect life.... she was a newly wed, with a new baby and a promissing life ahead of her... plus she is really pretty. Yet today it turns out she had a summer of hell. Which includes a crazy messed up divorce and so many other problems..... it's so sad.... abusive lying husband... I just felt so bad for her... she doesn't even have a phone or internet. I must say, I was shocked... I couldn't believe what was happening to her. It's weird how things can change so fast.... and how young I still really am.
Today's classes were insane... and I definitely don't want to talk about them... that only relives how painful they were. ack! But in my last class today I met up with this women, who last school year seemed to have the perfect life.... she was a newly wed, with a new baby and a promissing life ahead of her... plus she is really pretty. Yet today it turns out she had a summer of hell. Which includes a crazy messed up divorce and so many other problems..... it's so sad.... abusive lying husband... I just felt so bad for her... she doesn't even have a phone or internet. I must say, I was shocked... I couldn't believe what was happening to her. It's weird how things can change so fast.... and how young I still really am.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Happy Birthday to ME!
Okay, that's not a very original title, but I am just in too much of a good mood to think. This day just keeps getting better and better. :) I awoke this morning to a text message from Maggie, (gee, i wonder what it said... lol.), then I went on the computer and got a birthday card from Sharon, and a poem from Robin (it was sooooooo good!! Thanx SOOOOO MUCH ROBIN! YOU ROCK!). Then I went to class and used the fact that it is my birthday to make a couple new friends. Except most of the class was spent writing some stupid test to see if we are good enough to be in that class. Anyways, I just came back to class to see two birthday wishes on Facebook (thanks Carolyn and Sammy [BTW- nothing in the mail yet... but i'll keep checking!])... and an e-card from Tacky! (But for some reason I can't access my voicemail right now... so I'll have to listen to your message later). I also got a personal email from Heather S. (thanks! ... and you so know I would never do anything you wouldn't do!). Plus I was just wished a happy birthday from my housemate. Woot! I love this day! There is nothing I love more than being wished a happy birthday! I've only been awake a few hours and yet I'm as happy as can be!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I just want to make this clear: I AM NOT CRAZY! Yes, I know you all told me that classes start on thursday... and I know that they technically do, but the university's website said that one of mine did start today. So went to class today and I was not the only one who noticed we were suppose to have class. Turns out FIVE other girls showed up, thinking that we do in fact have class. We waited... and waited... but no teacher. 30 mins after I got there, we decided to give up. Either our teacher got soooo lost (it was very hard to find), or the teacher assumed nobody would show up. Nevertheless, I went and so did 5 other people. Thus proving that I am not crazy! ... or that six of us are all insane.
~less than 10 hours until my date of birth.
~less than 10 hours until my date of birth.
I cannot believe it's only a day away!
Went to the museum of civilation yesterday with Craig. We were sad that neither of us had a camera... but I took a few pictures with my cell. Some exibits hadn't changed since the last time I was there (back in grade seven!) That's kind of pathetic.... but whatever. I had to admit that most fun parts w
ere the postal services exibit (had mail boxes on display! lol.), and the children's passport to adventure exibit. In the postal one we had to do find some answers and fill in a word problem.... (the mystery word is stamp!)... and for that we each won a stamp! WOW! And in the children's section we had a passport and had to find a bunch of destinations... the special exibit was bernstein bears! That was by far the coolest room! We also went to the art studio and made clay sculptures. Craig made a cow (who's head later fell off! Haha!), and a smily face. I made an elephant but one of it's ears fell off and dried already, so I need to glue it back on later.
On another topic, I recently found found out that while school officially starts on my birthday (2mora), some classes start early. Thus... I actually have class in a couple of hours.... EW! Oh well... this one is in english, so I think i'll live... thursday and friday however are going to be a problem!
It's only a daaaaaaaaaaaay aaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

On another topic, I recently found found out that while school officially starts on my birthday (2mora), some classes start early. Thus... I actually have class in a couple of hours.... EW! Oh well... this one is in english, so I think i'll live... thursday and friday however are going to be a problem!
It's only a daaaaaaaaaaaay aaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Deux Jours! Dos Dias!
Yesterday was great! Started off by having breakfast with Craig... then going shopping for books (we both spent enough money on that!) We also went to the mall to visit Maggie.... and did some more shopping around town. I found out where my first class is tomorrow... and then we had kraft dinner together - the extra creamy kind! oh my! lol. Then I got the most surprising call ever! Tacky called me long distance! AWWWWW!!! There goes half an hour Tacky! I bet we could have used up all your long distance minutes with just one phone call! Anyways, I had to go because Maggie came over with a beautiful blanket for my room as a bday gift as well as a pair of cute pink earrings! All I have to say is that I'm a pretty easy person to shop for!! By then it was dinner time we (Craig and I) followed Maggie back to her new apartment. She made us hamburgers and we got to meet her sister... who appart from hating pink, reminds me of me. lol. Grape juice RULES! Then Craig and I missed our bus going home and instead of waiting the like 10 mins for the next one, we decided to walk back to campus. Which is only a 35ish minute walk at a brisk pace... Anyways, we made it back... without having to use the kettle as a weapon! Randomness.... school 2mora.... then birthday on thursday~
Monday, September 04, 2006
Trois Jours!

I think this picture makes me look older. Like at least in my twenties. It's the first pic of me in my room... so maybe it reflex so sort of change and development in my character. There's something in my eyes that says "I'm almost not ready for this"... but then my hair says: "let's give it a chance".
When I told this guy at work about my upcoming birthday, he thought I would be turning twenty. Maybe I do look old or something. Meh! I'll be nineteen soon!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Cinq Jours!
Yesterday was pretty gosh-darn good. My nice old neighbour brought me a plant to add to my collection of plants for school... then at night my gps came over and surprised me for dinner with chinese food and cake. Yah! I'm quite happy to have racked up quite a bit of money so far.... excellent! I've also gotten some sweet gifts! My bro finished his painting for me which is a play on the painting called 'the scream' (I'm sure you know it!), except in my painting the guy is screaming and playing a green day guitar! INSANE! He also got me some clothes I had been eyeing for a while... and then there was le massive gift from my parentals. Let's just say it's pink and leave it at that. I'll be in Ottawa SOON! Adios!
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