Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yesterday's Plans

Yesterday there was a meeting for a trip my friends (and I) are planning. So drove down to Janet's house, met her mom and new puppy (soooo cute!). Her mom gave me a cherry, but once I ate it I didn't know what to do with the seed and stem. Janet thought I was sooo polite to her mom, I am probably way to sweet and fake around parents, but I like being on their good side. Anyways, so Doris came soon after and we drove through insane rain down to Elyse' house. Turns out she has all this equipment stored in her basement and all these plans from previous trips - quite useful! So we sat around for over an hour planning and laughing at each other's differences. Seems quite well planned and should all work out. *smiles*

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Half A Head Of Insane Curls...

I'm still a little sick.... my nose is quite stuffed up... but at least I made it to work yesterday! I still can't believe I ever missed a day of work b/c of an illness. Anyways, before work I had a shower but was still not feeling that great so I got my hair done for me in braided pigtails. *awwww* lol. I don't think I have ever kept any braids in all day and over night. Well, look at my hair now... that's what you get! Of course it looks crazy curly now, but give it a few hours and the curls will relax and then my hair will be perfectly wavy. Trust me that I didn't plan to have good hair today. A day that could turn out quite awkward. meh... we shall see what happens... maybe it's for the best.
ta ta!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I woke up with the most painful throat ever... I wasn't scheduled for work until later in the day, so I tried to take it easy this morning. I stomach started to feel really bad. I had to make a choice of whether or not to go to work today. I'm one of those people who always goes to school no matter how sick I am. There were many days I should not have gone to school, but I did anyways b/c I hate missing classes. I view work similarly... I don't think I should skip work unless it's really bad. Trust me, I can barely talk today.... i'm sick!

My house happened to be out of ginger ale (my drink of choice for when i'm sick). My mommy had to go out and buy some for me... which reminded me of the last time i was remotely this sick... back in otown when Maggie went to the campus store to buy me a lot of ginger ale! Only I was much sicker then. mmmmm.... ginger ale!

So, I don't know if you heard, but Lance Bass (from NSYNC) has officially said that he is gay. lol - what a shocker! Now i'm just waiting for a BSB member to make the same statement.... Lance was always the cutest one... that's just how life is.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Night Out

My parents are infamous for dinner parties. Frankly I hate hanging out with their friends... and especially their friends' kids. ick! Ry and I tend to stick together in such cases. But when the party includes some of his good friends, my mom told me I was aloud to escape from the dinner party for the first time! So ya, I got to go shopping with Sharon instead of another boring dinner party!! YES! We went to awesome far mall and planned to have dinner there.... but the restaurant closed to early so we drove back into her town and had dinner at Pizza Hut. Not to classy I know, but still cool. After that we went to the park and walked around... talking insanely about a certain topic... lol. We placed a call to her bf Henry asking him to answer some questions... but we were laughing so much that he thought we were drunk... so we went along with the charade to amuse ourselves. I think we were pretty convincing... especially for two people who have little experience being intoxicated. meh. Good times at the park!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Last Night...

Last night was awesome! HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY SHARON!!! I haven't gone out for like the longest time... I so needed that! I work too much and never have fun anymore. I feel so old cuz I never have fun... I'm like a grown up! eeewwwwwwww.....

Anyways, after working pretty much the whole day yesterday I went to pick up Alice. Then the two of us went shopping for gifts for Sharon. Gotta luv shopping! We got some cute stuff and then went back to Tacky's house to put them in pretty bags and make a card. Our card was super cool!! Yah for glitter glue!!! - don't worry... it was very tasteful and pretty!! Then we met up with everyone else... got to meet Henry (her bf!)... he's cool. Went out for dinner and bubble teas as a group of nine. That didn't end until like eleven o'clock... it took us for ever to decide where to go next and who would be going in which vehicle where... oh the confusion! meh. So we went for kareoke again! When you have chinese people who can't read chinese (thus can't really sing chinese songs well) you always end up going for lame white songs... lol... christina aguilera, vanessa carlton... and of course: the spice girls!! Meh... so I didn't get home until like 2:30am. Turns out my parents had locked me out of the house! Not on purpose actually... but I'm so lucky to have brought my key with me! Arrg... I can't believe it! Anyways, so I totally woke up my parents... and my mom was pretty pissed. I haven't seen her since 2:30am this morning... I can only imagine how painful it's going to be when she gets home from work.... good times ahead I am sure.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Work Consumes Me

I hate working when it's hot out. Lately it has been really really hot... and thus I am really really lazy at work. I should be doing so much more, but the heat makes me tired too... so really I just wander around looking for small jobs that need to be done and hoping that I don't get in trouble for not doing anything. meh... it's just too hot! Yesterday I had a crazy long shift! So long that I ran out of all my juice and had to actually drink water! (you all know I'm a juice person!) That was hard... but otherwise I would have died. Today I worked quite a bit too! Not fun at all! Although I love my coworkers! They are so nice! *smiles for people in my department* So long shifts combined with the heat as made work my life. I come home simply to sleep enough to make it through the next day. Lately I have found that nine hourse of sleep isn't enough... I want more sleep but I just can't find the time! arrrggg.... I wonder if I'll ever make it through the summer... can't wait to be back at school... I wish I could stay in school my whole life and never ever work again!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Post About Not Shopping!

I was watching TV and this person said that people only shop to fill a void they have in their lives. Apparently people think that if they buy more they will feel better. They are addicted to shopping and have a need to buy stuff. That got me thinking... am I addicted to shopping? I bet you could make a strong case for that, but I would definitely have to say that I am not! Shopping is just a pass time I enjoy a lot! This morning I was planning to go shopping before work, and I didn't! Okay... i realize that mostly in part of laziness and all the rain... but fact is I didn't HAVE to go... thus I am not addicted! Plus, whenever I do shop, I don't always buy stuff... and there is no void to fill! Don't try to psycho analyze me! There is nothing wrong with shopping!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Two Days Off... did nothing!

What have I been up to lately? WORK! It's really annoying cuz I don't have the awesome life I had in may. I'm no longer shopping that much (although I did shop two days ago with Tacky + Sammy... and a little this morning with my bro...) Anyways, I'm just super tired after work and thus go strait home. When I talk to my friends I realize how much awesome summer time I am missing... I haven't gone swimming in like three weeks... sad sad... that's upsetting! lol. Yesterday it rained like crazy so I never even left the house... and today I only drove around town. Arrrgg.... i feel frustrated that I haven't gone anywhere cool. meh. gas is too expensive anyways. lol.

Anyways, got to work 2mora... good times i'm sure. Hopefully I'll have fun next weekend for Sharon's bday... soooo want to go see P of the C 2... I heard it was sooo good! Insanity that a sequel does so well ... eh?

So I don't follow soccer... but at work they give us major game updates... as for sunday's game, i don't think that was necessary... I could hear the honking and the flag waving all night. Je voulais tellement que la France gagne... plusieurs personnes ont pensé que la France était le meilleur des deux mals. lol. I guess I could see that.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I never really thought my interests were that bad. I enjoy blaring my Green Day music and shopping at regular teen clothing stores... but lately I feel like my parents are either also into the same things as me (eeewwwwww...) or are using so psychological effort to get me to change my interests. First off, when I was blaring Boulevard Of Broken Dreams last night while doing my hair, I turned it off when I was done and my mom asks me why I turned it off, cuz it's a good song... I'm like, I know it's a good song, but you are not suppose to like it! grrrr... Secondly, my dad, although he has always shopped at stores for youth as opposed to old-dad-type-stores, came home (after alice called me to tell me about the awesome sale) and told me that there was an awesome sale at the mall. Turns out he bought all this stuff from Bluenotes! NOOOO!!!! Plus he shops at AE all the time! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS WORLD? ggrrrrrr.... so my dad likes my clothing stores and my mom likes my music.... that's not suppose to happen!!

We all know what a shopper I am. So when both Tacky and my dad told me about the sale (especially at bluenotes) my mom drove me to the mall and we went shopping there that night... I had to work the next day, but you can be sure that I went back after work to see if I could find anything else.... lol... sadness! We did buy a lot of stuff too... yah!