SERIOUSLY, I can barely handle the resent conversations with my mother. She is driving me crazy!!! I am trying to get ready for university but she is constantly telling me what to do... and all of it needs to be done NOW!!! I wanna yell "calm down!!!!" but I don't. I just sit there and take it. I shake my head and agreeance because talking would just end with an explosion. Both my padres are driving me crazy, it's just that I just ended a convo with my mother and am still angry. She thinks she is helping... but she is just making the whole process slower!!!
That storm, Katrina, is really having some shocking affects... I heard 4 states are flodded....poor New Orleans... and the other places that don't seem to be getting much coverage. I hope everyone survives the horrible killer weather... lol.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
It was soooo cute! They threw me a little going away party today because it was my last day at work. My boss went out and bought enough pizza for everyone and pop was on the house! We all just stoud around in the back room talking about my plans for the future... the bakers even donated some free cookies to my cause! yummy! After that, my replacement came in and I got to help train her... oddly she was like the same age as my parents and therefore it felt weird that a minor was teaching her how things worked. I think it was weird for the both of us. Anyways, I gave her all my helpful hints and taught her everything I knew. She was very nice and I was glad to see that she wasn't afraid to ask questions. She also was a quick learner and I was able to leave her alone for a little while. Lol, it feels weird correcting adults when they make mistakes... I am really not used to that.
On a new topic, I still don't really know what I'm planning on doing for my own party. Lol.... so many things don't sound cool enough, or fun enough, or they have already "been done". I want it to be speacial since I will not see most of these people for a really long time, or possibly never again. That's sad. *tear* Please call me with suggestions. I know I have been asking you to do that for a while now, but with the date comming up soon, I don't know what to do!
On a new topic, I still don't really know what I'm planning on doing for my own party. Lol.... so many things don't sound cool enough, or fun enough, or they have already "been done". I want it to be speacial since I will not see most of these people for a really long time, or possibly never again. That's sad. *tear* Please call me with suggestions. I know I have been asking you to do that for a while now, but with the date comming up soon, I don't know what to do!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Indeed, It Was A Good Day!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005
Work Sucks.
The last couple of days I could have posted a blog... but they would all have been about how I don't really like work.... however, the good news is, is that I am really getting better at doing cash... I think it is because I know most of the prices now and don't have to ask who ever is around, or even the customer.... lol. Anyways, Jenny called me last night and we planned to do something big tomorrow but then so few people can come (all I know so far is myself, herself, and Tacky)... it's kind of depressing. If you are reading this now I probably didn't invite you because I hate going shopping with boys.... unless they are really really gay! Feh! I g2g to work now.... grrrr.....
Monday, August 22, 2005
It's Soooo Early!
True Story:
"She set her alarm clock last night, preparing for an early morning as she heads off to work. Little did she know she would be waking up a lot earlier than planned. It wasn't even 7:30am when her alarm clock went off, a full hour before she had set it for. She woke up right away and went to shut up the clock but still the ringing rang. The young lady then realized that it wasn't her alarm clock that woke her up, but the telephone, whose lights were flashing insanely. She picked it up and said "hello" as she wondered who the hell could be. Her dad answered and told her she had to get up right away and pick him up at the mechanic's store. She complained and argued so she could go back to sleep, but he insisted because he needed to get to work and his car was not working well..."
Ya, I was up soooooooo early this morning!!!!!! OMG!!!! Anyways, I don't have a car today.... *tears* I miss my little baby... my car is out in the world.... he's in downtown.... in a parking lot.... OMG, what if something happens to him. What if he gets stolen? Or hurt? Or dented? I'm afraid for my little car's life!
"She set her alarm clock last night, preparing for an early morning as she heads off to work. Little did she know she would be waking up a lot earlier than planned. It wasn't even 7:30am when her alarm clock went off, a full hour before she had set it for. She woke up right away and went to shut up the clock but still the ringing rang. The young lady then realized that it wasn't her alarm clock that woke her up, but the telephone, whose lights were flashing insanely. She picked it up and said "hello" as she wondered who the hell could be. Her dad answered and told her she had to get up right away and pick him up at the mechanic's store. She complained and argued so she could go back to sleep, but he insisted because he needed to get to work and his car was not working well..."
Ya, I was up soooooooo early this morning!!!!!! OMG!!!! Anyways, I don't have a car today.... *tears* I miss my little baby... my car is out in the world.... he's in downtown.... in a parking lot.... OMG, what if something happens to him. What if he gets stolen? Or hurt? Or dented? I'm afraid for my little car's life!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Not Frustrated For Once!
Nope, I'm not frustrated, aggravated, irritated, upset, annoyed, bothered, purturbed, exasperated or anything of that sort. My last post was hateful towards people because I was not able to hook up with them for the day... but today I just fell like I don't really care anymore. I'm not going to go and ruin a perfectly good summer by complaining all the time. Anyways, I have nothing to do today either... well... my room is looking pretty messy.... but... no... must resist.... can't clean today.... it's too... umm... well, it's just not a cleaning day! Lol. Right now I'm on my second oldest computer because the two newer ones don't want to connect to the internet for some reason. Usually I ignore this computer... seeing as how it doesn't even have speakers to play music! it does however have my only music downloading program... (ironic eh?) and it is also the only one with multilingual spell check. Hense it's the one I liked to do my language homework on. I have one other computer older than it, but we bought it over eight years ago.... it's really really old and doesn't have any internet connection. Anyways, my two better ones are really annoying me now. The third oldest is really slow, and neither of them are connecting to the internet for some reason..... arrrrg... The best one is playing music for me right now... seeing as how it's only a few feet away from me. We keep the best three computers in one room... cuz i'm not allowed to have one in my room... and neither is my bro (obviously!). So ya, they just sit here all the time. Grrr.... It's weird cuz they all have the same internet connection and this is only one that is working correctly and it's the oldest! lol.... annoyingly my PDA will not connect to the internet either, which proves that there isn't just a wire connection gone wrong since we have wireless in the house. I never thought to check my laptop to see if the internet works there.... but I have a bad feeling about it. In summary, there are 5 things in my house that can get internet, and they all recieve the connection from the same place, but the oldest of them all is the only one that is working..... lol.... I think I repeated a lot of things in this post. Feh! I suppose all this talk about computers is getting me frustrated again. lol.
Friday actually went pretty well. My bro and I went out for chinese food for lunch.... then ate it in my car cuz the weather was pretty annoying or we would have gone to the park to eat. Anyways, then I took him shopping and pointed everything out that I would like to get for my birthday. (I found this really nice bag in spencer's that I am dying to get!!!) Anyways... in this one store, a worker told my brother that he had a pretty woman.... first of all... i'm not some sort of possesion! Secondly, WE ARE BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!! However, we didn't say anything because this has happened sooooooo many times to us. One of the first times I remember was during skiing lessons, when our stupid instructor asked me if we were dating (I was in total shock and wanted to push him down the mountain!) Then another time, we were walking around town and ran into some of his friends... and then that time at school when Amy asked me if he was my bf! Anyways.... ya, it's happened many times. It's just cuz we are close. There were never really a lot of other kids to play with where we grew up, so we hung out together. Even now, most of my friends live in a different town than me, so I talk to him a lot. Trust me, he fight a lot too.... normally we are at each other's throats! But now that we are older and i'm going away to school in the fall... we seem to be getting along pretty well.
Well, that turned out longer than I had planned. Let me just add that after a shopping we went to pizza hut for dinner.... what an experience. lol
Friday actually went pretty well. My bro and I went out for chinese food for lunch.... then ate it in my car cuz the weather was pretty annoying or we would have gone to the park to eat. Anyways, then I took him shopping and pointed everything out that I would like to get for my birthday. (I found this really nice bag in spencer's that I am dying to get!!!) Anyways... in this one store, a worker told my brother that he had a pretty woman.... first of all... i'm not some sort of possesion! Secondly, WE ARE BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!! However, we didn't say anything because this has happened sooooooo many times to us. One of the first times I remember was during skiing lessons, when our stupid instructor asked me if we were dating (I was in total shock and wanted to push him down the mountain!) Then another time, we were walking around town and ran into some of his friends... and then that time at school when Amy asked me if he was my bf! Anyways.... ya, it's happened many times. It's just cuz we are close. There were never really a lot of other kids to play with where we grew up, so we hung out together. Even now, most of my friends live in a different town than me, so I talk to him a lot. Trust me, he fight a lot too.... normally we are at each other's throats! But now that we are older and i'm going away to school in the fall... we seem to be getting along pretty well.
Well, that turned out longer than I had planned. Let me just add that after a shopping we went to pizza hut for dinner.... what an experience. lol
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Quicky Post
This is going to be short because I have to be at work soon.... Yesterday was my day off so I really wanted to go shopping, but when I tried to hook up with people, nobody was available. Here is a list of people who suck because I really really tried to get a hold of you yesterday:
You people suck! You all had reasons not to come, or for some reason I couldn't get a hold of you!!! EVIL EVIL!!! Sammy, do you know how many people share your last name when I tried to look it up in the phone book??? And Michelle, I tried the number for you that you gave me, the same one that's in the phone book, and I couldn't get you. I also tried your cell # that you gave me a long time ago, but that no work either. In the end I was so desperate to get out of the house that I took my bro. I'll tell you more about that later.... as for now.... YOU SUCK!!!!
You people suck! You all had reasons not to come, or for some reason I couldn't get a hold of you!!! EVIL EVIL!!! Sammy, do you know how many people share your last name when I tried to look it up in the phone book??? And Michelle, I tried the number for you that you gave me, the same one that's in the phone book, and I couldn't get you. I also tried your cell # that you gave me a long time ago, but that no work either. In the end I was so desperate to get out of the house that I took my bro. I'll tell you more about that later.... as for now.... YOU SUCK!!!!
Friday, August 19, 2005
The Weather Tells Me What To Do...
Today is my day off, and I have no plans yet. However, it is only 8:00 am and I have the rest of the day to talk to people. Nevertheless, if you look outside right now, it's a total storm. This says to me that I might as well not try because driving in that will not be fun. So unless the weather changes for the better soon, I might be stuck in the hell hole all day! Grrrr.....
If you are wondering why I am up so early it's because I went to sleep last night at 9:30 pm because I was soooooo tired from work. However, other days when I work the same hours I am not THAT tired. The only explaination for this that I can think of is that the weather was sucking yesterday. During my lunch break I was froven on the bench so I decided to eat in my car... yes yes... my beautiful car... how I love thee.
TTYL - I hope I find something fun to do today
If you are wondering why I am up so early it's because I went to sleep last night at 9:30 pm because I was soooooo tired from work. However, other days when I work the same hours I am not THAT tired. The only explaination for this that I can think of is that the weather was sucking yesterday. During my lunch break I was froven on the bench so I decided to eat in my car... yes yes... my beautiful car... how I love thee.
TTYL - I hope I find something fun to do today
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Some People Are Jerks!
OMG! At work today, a friend and I were on cash, and there had been this empty basket sitting near her cash thingy for a while... so being the smart person she is, she decided to put it back where it belongs. However, it was this elderly lady's basket and when the woman found out her basket had been put away, she told the girl off (in a really mean way!). My friend was brave and listened quietly to the woman ranting on about what an idiot she must be. I listened too, cuz I was on the other cash and was a little shocked that this woman was being so mean. Anyways, once the woman left the store, my friend ran to the back and when she finally returned her face was bright red and it looked like she had been crying. We ranted together about mean people for the rest of the shift, but let me add here that if anyone were to do that with me, I don't think I could keep my cool like her, I would probably have started crying right away. JERKS!
On an even more annoying note, they gave me more hours at work. I DON'T WANT MORE HOURS!!! I just want to spend my last few summer days relaxing.... not working my butt off!!!!! (and dealing with mean people, might I add!). Anyways, I just felt like saying that work sucked today, just cuz that mean woman came in and told off this girl who thought she was doing the right thing, and is possibly on of the nicest girls you could ever meet.
On an even more annoying note, they gave me more hours at work. I DON'T WANT MORE HOURS!!! I just want to spend my last few summer days relaxing.... not working my butt off!!!!! (and dealing with mean people, might I add!). Anyways, I just felt like saying that work sucked today, just cuz that mean woman came in and told off this girl who thought she was doing the right thing, and is possibly on of the nicest girls you could ever meet.
Monday, August 15, 2005

Saturday, August 13, 2005
Soooooooo Tiiiiirrrrreeeeedddddd!!
Okay, I am soooo unbelievably tired! Work sucks! Eight Hours(!!!!) of being on your feet and running around is too much! I called Tacky during my forced lunch break... but she wasn't home. So I sat alone in a field and drank a coke and ate a couple chocolate cookies, which I had to buy so I could eat something during my lunch break. It was lonely.
Friday, August 12, 2005
I Am A Poet!!!! (2LOL)
My Ode To The Color Yellow:
It is the color of the sun,
And when an egg begins to run.
It is the color of a sunflower,
And when milk starts turning sour.
It is the color of wheat,
And if you pee all over a seat.
So that’s why yellow rules!
My Ode To The Color Red:
It is the color of blood,
And burnt mud.
It is the color of a tomato,
And when you set fire to a potato.
It is the color of a cherry,
And a certain berry.
So that’s why red rules!
My Ode To The Color Green:
It is the color of a leaf,
And the Roughrider’s chief.
It is the color of the sea,
And Chinese tea.
It is the color of peas,
And of grass stained knees.
So that’s why green rules!
My Ode To The Color Blue:
It is the color of the sky
And a blueberry pie.
It is the color of a blue jay,
And of San Francisco Bay.
It is the color of a Smurf,
And of the Hawaiian surf.
So that’s why blue rules!
My Ode To Black:
It is the shade of a witch’s hat,
And the color of her cat
It is the shade of coal,
And of Satan’s soul.
It is the shade of outer space,
And of a dirty home base.
So that’s why black rules!
It is the color of the sun,
And when an egg begins to run.
It is the color of a sunflower,
And when milk starts turning sour.
It is the color of wheat,
And if you pee all over a seat.
So that’s why yellow rules!
My Ode To The Color Red:
It is the color of blood,
And burnt mud.
It is the color of a tomato,
And when you set fire to a potato.
It is the color of a cherry,
And a certain berry.
So that’s why red rules!
My Ode To The Color Green:
It is the color of a leaf,
And the Roughrider’s chief.
It is the color of the sea,
And Chinese tea.
It is the color of peas,
And of grass stained knees.
So that’s why green rules!
My Ode To The Color Blue:
It is the color of the sky
And a blueberry pie.
It is the color of a blue jay,
And of San Francisco Bay.
It is the color of a Smurf,
And of the Hawaiian surf.
So that’s why blue rules!
My Ode To Black:
It is the shade of a witch’s hat,
And the color of her cat
It is the shade of coal,
And of Satan’s soul.
It is the shade of outer space,
And of a dirty home base.
So that’s why black rules!
Thursday, August 11, 2005

Anyways, I gots work 2mora. ttyl.
More pics of me...

I often analyse situations against my will and think about the things I did wrong. These things haunt my

Incase you didn't realize, the first pic is of me when I started the entry, and the second was just taken as I am finishing it up. Have a good day... ttyl.... here I come Tacky!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I'll Never Tell!!!!

P.S. Incase anyone cares, I am not getting new glasses.
- Don't need any at the moment.
Less Than 20 Days Left Of Work!
25 Days Till I Leave For University
28 Days Till My Bday
29 Days Till School Starts
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
No comments about work!
I have decided that work stays at work, and unless I am talking to you personally, i'm not going to comment on what happens at work. It's not really that bad... *lol - such an obvious lie!!*.... Anyways, when I get off my shift, I'm sooo tired!!! Otherwise I would have called you Tacky~ feh! I have a day off 2mora.... and i'm sure you can guess what I'm going to do in my spare time!!! (lol... I miss you shopping!!!!) TTYL
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Your Welcome Tacky!
I just read tacky's blog (BTW - thanks for making me your number one shoutout!) and I wanted to reply to that. So... here is my response/shoutout to her!
Tacky, I've known you for what seems like 4 decades, but it's really only been 4 years. What happened in that time can probably not be well explained to others, but we had good times... some of these were: *The Yellow Brick Road*, Jumping Jacks in Geography Class, That Door Thing [I really thought I had trapped you!], Playing Video Games During Our Lunch.... and other trips from that grade, Getting through our terrible teachers (you know the ones!), Doing all those projects, That surprise party i co-planned for you, All of our other shopping trips, Driving in my car, all my driving screw ups, when I would sufer the rath of your sibs to let you have fun with your significant other, when i asked you for advice and never followed it..... that actually happened all the time... wooops! Anyways, as you can tell, we had fun these last few years.... stuff that i hope you will not forget (cuz i know i won't!). The day i asked you if you wanted to sit with me and my friends at lunch changed my life soooo much!!! (BTW - thanx for saying "yes"!)
Okay, apart from you being such a good pal, (LYLAS!!!).... I actually have to work now!!! JOBS SUCK!!!! oddly i am saying this before I have even started. Still, the idea of me in red.... gag!
Tacky, I've known you for what seems like 4 decades, but it's really only been 4 years. What happened in that time can probably not be well explained to others, but we had good times... some of these were: *The Yellow Brick Road*, Jumping Jacks in Geography Class, That Door Thing [I really thought I had trapped you!], Playing Video Games During Our Lunch.... and other trips from that grade, Getting through our terrible teachers (you know the ones!), Doing all those projects, That surprise party i co-planned for you, All of our other shopping trips, Driving in my car, all my driving screw ups, when I would sufer the rath of your sibs to let you have fun with your significant other, when i asked you for advice and never followed it..... that actually happened all the time... wooops! Anyways, as you can tell, we had fun these last few years.... stuff that i hope you will not forget (cuz i know i won't!). The day i asked you if you wanted to sit with me and my friends at lunch changed my life soooo much!!! (BTW - thanx for saying "yes"!)
Okay, apart from you being such a good pal, (LYLAS!!!).... I actually have to work now!!! JOBS SUCK!!!! oddly i am saying this before I have even started. Still, the idea of me in red.... gag!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Yes, I know... it's shocking...
My latest news - i got a job. I'm actually still shocked. Yesterday I dropped my weakish resumé off and they called me today... very quick! I'm still kinda in shock! Anyways, I start monday... i obviously need to be trained... and learn what the names of all the weird food are... curse the regular food I eat! 2lol... it's still funny that I have a job... i can barely even think of how funny that is!! ttyl...
I know you are still probably laughing at the idea of me... in a uniform.... that's not pink!
I know you are still probably laughing at the idea of me... in a uniform.... that's not pink!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Okay, doing my space time yesterday I made a DVD called "2005 Graduates" which is basically a slide show of all the pictures I have of my classemates, friends, and closer-friends from our high school years.... if I had a lot of pics of you or movie clips of you, you are a star. I am the biggest star (obviously!), then Heather, then Alice, then Sharon... My sub stars are Jenny W., Both Celias, and Janet. The people that do make an apperance and I have a couple pics of you are: Jenny C(6), Sammy(5), Robin(2+), Jamie (5), Krista (5), Tara (6+), Rochelle (5+), Steph (4), Dasha (4+), Kate (+2), Helen (3+), Michelle (6), Doris, amy, shannon, patrick... renée, elyse, patty, <-- they all show up at least 2-3 times! Anyways... i'll give a copy to any of my big or sub stars but otherwise you will have to borrow it. If you do actually want a copy, it's free.... but you have to find a way to get it! BTW- the total length of the movie is about 12 mins. That seems short but there is soooo much to see! For example, in just 3 mins and 45 secs, you see 12 movie clips and 105 pictures flash by! Crazy huh!? Anyways... that's all I had to say on that topic - enjoy the rest of your summer!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Just another day in my world...
Okay, you'll never guess what I did today.... lol.... actually, i'll give you one guess..... if you still don't know, you really don't know me that well... cuz today I..... WENT SHOPPING!!!! I took Celia and Ms Tacky to a mall they had never been to but I had been like 10 times. Let me warn you that the only thing i bought was lunch and a drink, it turns out that Celia was the big spender when she bought pants and a skirt.... and lunch... and a yogurt! She made Tacky and I look a little cheap... feh! I shop enough... it's a wonder i'm not broke! Anyways, me wants to give a shout out to Mr. Sammie Fungus [lol!!] for reading my blog so frequently and being my number one commenting fan!!! Thanx, you make my site look less lonely!!! And i do try to return you goodness by making fun of you on your own blog! I'm cruel... but at least i know it! Anyways, you are an awesome guy and I would luv to hang out with you one day... (lol, that sounds like punishment!) I am also very bored.... it would be cool to stalk you and see who is really having the better summer.... besides, i don't think you could stand me for too long.... remembers times we talked 1 on 1.... last time i really talked to you was either the time i tried to get you to skip school and go shopping with me, or when we were at the library doing english isp research, that's when you said that you don't hate anyone and I told you i was going to try to get you to hate me.... lol... ttyl~
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I'm am bad little girl...
Today I accomplished a small task that will add to my fairly short list of illegal activities but fairly long list of "forbidden" activities. I'm pretty sure my bro and I were alone... he was the one that really did IT but since I let him, and I was obviously the older one, I could have gotten into a lot of trouble. Thankfully nobody was around or those who saw, did not care... and that neither of us died... although I don't think it was a deadly scenario. Anyways my bro also broke a picture frame in my house today but with a little glue and touch-up with paint, we hope nobody will notice. Oddly, that happened before the illegal one and was a leading factore in me allowing the activity.
Okay, that sounds really vague, but in all honesty, I don't know who reads this blog... and would rather not say much. Also, who knew that I was such a bad girl... giggle. I care far too much about getting in trouble and should become more relaxed (i'll just put that into my pda for future referance - cute). Anyways, when my bro + I came home we pinky swore not to tell the 'rents. MWHAHAHAHA!!! We are so innocent... and cute! ttyl
32 days till I leave for University
33 days till I move into res
35 days till my bday
36 days till school starts
1 day until tomorrow
Okay, that sounds really vague, but in all honesty, I don't know who reads this blog... and would rather not say much. Also, who knew that I was such a bad girl... giggle. I care far too much about getting in trouble and should become more relaxed (i'll just put that into my pda for future referance - cute). Anyways, when my bro + I came home we pinky swore not to tell the 'rents. MWHAHAHAHA!!! We are so innocent... and cute! ttyl
32 days till I leave for University
33 days till I move into res
35 days till my bday
36 days till school starts
1 day until tomorrow
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Too Lazy
I did NOTHING today... and I don't care. Thanx to Robin, I also learned that the pic from my last post is not visible to others (although it obviously works on my computer). How sad. Anyways, i'm not going to fix it just cuz i'm too lazy. Although today i did go to my gm's house to help clean it with my bro. We both made some quick and easy spending money and got some pretty good hot dogs for lunch. I finally learned how to put songs on my pda (tried 5 but only got three on succesfully). The songs are kinda old, but I still like em... the successfull ones are: 1. Girls and Boys, 2. American Idiot, 3. Sing for the Moment. Ya, that just gives you an idea of my music likes. (Green Day rules! + Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money). I have a bunch of more resent songs on my other computer but I am stuck working on this one today.... well, i wouldn't say i'm quite stuck... it was basically the one I started on and now am too lazy to move to another. That's just how my situation is.... i'm just Too Lazy.... but as my dear Sammy has already told me, it's okay cuz it's the summer. Sweetness....
Oh Ya, I also went on msn on my pda today... it's soooo weird!!! And a million times harder to have a conversation with someone cuz it takes a few minutes to actually get out what you wanted to say... i'm scared to try it with two people cuz i might not be able to go from one convo to another. I've learned lately that i'm really not a curious person... and could probably careless if i never tried msn-in' with dos peoples.
Oh ya, and another thing, that airport thing in Canada today.... so sad. It's kinda amazing that nobody died (that is at least what I heard). Oh well... i'm 99% sure that it had nothing to do with terrorism... this makes me happy... but on the other hand it probably had something to do with the other major world issue - global warming... i don't really know which is worse, cuz they will both eventually screw us all over (scary thought!). Well... ttyl people of the world! Drive safely and if i don't talk to you later - good afternoon, good evening and good night! (The Trumen Show!)
Monday, August 01, 2005
Shopping Trip # 1 Million + 10
Well, guess what I did today! Shopping... again.... well at least it was a different mall... (YD Mall). I took the subway there! *shockes* I know... spoiled little girl actually taking public transit! There was one point where I actually knew which way to go and Tacky didn't!!! Oh ya, i forgot to add that I went with Tacky and her bro. Basically i spent the whole day trying to piss him off as much as possible. giggle, walked through the makeup sections of the mall as slow as i could... and went in all the nice clothing stores (although I would have anyways, I would not have made a point to look at everything and go ALL around the store). I smelled EVERY perfume just to get him angry... although i think i wasn't harsh enough (should have looked at underwear and bras [that would have put him over the top for sure!]). Nyways, he wasn't that bad, just gave him my pda and that shut him up pretty well. HE TALKS SO MUCH though!!! grrrrr....... don't worry, he didn't ruin my trip though. (it's pretty hard to ruin my shopping trips!). kk, g2g... ttyl
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