Means: Shy, Little, Wise, Owl, Ancient
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Upset about a good day?
As good as a day good be (by day i mean heavly stressful high school day), today was not bad. I had two presentations and an exam to do, but they all went okay (pretty sure i passed at least!). After this, i did my normal activities, even met a new friend "Amber". Had an awesome day at work - i like students who are pretty hot and enjoy learning at the same time (<-- best part about tutoring!). so... en somme, today wasn't bad... so, why do i feel so sad? I can't explain the feeling, but i only feel like sad songs today, and i don't want to do anything i normally love to do. Don't understand myself today, explained emotions... I swear i am not a moody person, but i was happy up until an hour ago. What does this mean? Have i perhaps been thinking to much about the end of school? Is this the cause of sadness and other strong emotions? Back in elementary school, i was the only girl who never cried on the last day, when we knew we were never comming back. I had emotions, but i cannot show them - i don't even try to hold them back, they just don't show! I don't even force them. I seem like a bubbly blonde - am i so afraid of my image that i can't cry? Why don't i cry a lot? I mean, i cry when i am hurt (physically) but i can only remember a few moments where i truely cried. There was this one time i cried for attention, or at least it started out that way, just b/c i was sad about one thing, but then half way through, the acting stopped and i was being real. That's another fact about crying, it's hard to stop and it usually turns real if it's intentions were not.
Ick. That is a lot of free style writting. All truth though. I jump ideas a lot and write what i think, however it does help me discovers my thoughts. Reading what i think, and thinking what i think are quite different due to the fact that it always seems to be more real when i read it.
Maintenant, je vais commencer d'écrire dans une autre idioma. Sí, hablo tres idiomas pero mi español es horrible. Donc je vais continuer ou je suis confortable. Il y exciste une sorte de rasurance en savant qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de personnes qui vont comprendre tous de ce que j'écrit. Peut-être un jour je vous écrirai une poème à propos de ma souffrance. Ma pauvre coeur - il ne fonctionne pas. Il n'a jamais fonctionner car j'ai jamais senti l'amour. J'ai trops peur. Je n'aime personne. Amour de famille est différent car il faut les aimer, je ne peut pas décider ceci, mais l'amour pour quelqu'un d'autre n'existe pas pour moi. Serai-je toujours comme ceci? No sé pero es probable. Soy une habladora que quiere dormir - donc il faut que j'aille. Salut! Hasta la proxima.
Until the next time, it's shannyn signing out - Póg mo thoin!
Ick. That is a lot of free style writting. All truth though. I jump ideas a lot and write what i think, however it does help me discovers my thoughts. Reading what i think, and thinking what i think are quite different due to the fact that it always seems to be more real when i read it.
Maintenant, je vais commencer d'écrire dans une autre idioma. Sí, hablo tres idiomas pero mi español es horrible. Donc je vais continuer ou je suis confortable. Il y exciste une sorte de rasurance en savant qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de personnes qui vont comprendre tous de ce que j'écrit. Peut-être un jour je vous écrirai une poème à propos de ma souffrance. Ma pauvre coeur - il ne fonctionne pas. Il n'a jamais fonctionner car j'ai jamais senti l'amour. J'ai trops peur. Je n'aime personne. Amour de famille est différent car il faut les aimer, je ne peut pas décider ceci, mais l'amour pour quelqu'un d'autre n'existe pas pour moi. Serai-je toujours comme ceci? No sé pero es probable. Soy une habladora que quiere dormir - donc il faut que j'aille. Salut! Hasta la proxima.
Until the next time, it's shannyn signing out - Póg mo thoin!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Having Fun At Quizilla(.com)
What type of killer am I?
A Samurai
"You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat."
Which of the Greek Gods are you?
"You are like the Greek God Morpheus, of dreams. Believing there is something bigger out there, and often lost in thought. You're imaginitive and smart - but not always a leader, but usually the one that comes up with the plan. You often ask, What if... and long to get out of the darkness and through the window."
What type of teenager are you?
"You are the 'regular' teen. Don't worry, alot of people will get this result. However, you set pretty high/low goals for yourself...and you believe you are the only one in the world. But, there are alot of people with your attitude. You tend to wear regular clothing, or you are forced to wear colors you don't want to. (such as your mother always buying you pink / blue clothing) Sometimes you feel horribly lonely and want to hide, but as always, you find something to give you reason to continue. You can either hate or love school, one opinion please. Never fear, you are not one of a kind...and that is kinda nice to hear, since there are other teenagers out there with your exact view on life. "
"You could get a job as an author, Teacher, editor, architect, buisness owner, or administrator. Good luck in life, and don't forget that no one is ever alone. "
You are beautiful.... but why?
Innocent and Childlike
"You are beautiful because of the pure, sensitive, good hearted, unexperienced vibe you give out. You most likely haven't done much such as sex, drugs , and alcohol. If you have you were probably just experimenting out of pure curiousity. Your curiousness may lead to danger if you cannot control it! People like to be around you because of your young personality. You like to have fun and be happy. You are well liked by most people but some may find you slightly immature. Don't let people bring you down, for you are a wonderful and beautiful person!"
A Samurai
"You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat."
Which of the Greek Gods are you?
"You are like the Greek God Morpheus, of dreams. Believing there is something bigger out there, and often lost in thought. You're imaginitive and smart - but not always a leader, but usually the one that comes up with the plan. You often ask, What if... and long to get out of the darkness and through the window."
What type of teenager are you?
"You are the 'regular' teen. Don't worry, alot of people will get this result. However, you set pretty high/low goals for yourself...and you believe you are the only one in the world. But, there are alot of people with your attitude. You tend to wear regular clothing, or you are forced to wear colors you don't want to. (such as your mother always buying you pink / blue clothing) Sometimes you feel horribly lonely and want to hide, but as always, you find something to give you reason to continue. You can either hate or love school, one opinion please. Never fear, you are not one of a kind...and that is kinda nice to hear, since there are other teenagers out there with your exact view on life. "
"You could get a job as an author, Teacher, editor, architect, buisness owner, or administrator. Good luck in life, and don't forget that no one is ever alone. "
You are beautiful.... but why?
Innocent and Childlike
"You are beautiful because of the pure, sensitive, good hearted, unexperienced vibe you give out. You most likely haven't done much such as sex, drugs , and alcohol. If you have you were probably just experimenting out of pure curiousity. Your curiousness may lead to danger if you cannot control it! People like to be around you because of your young personality. You like to have fun and be happy. You are well liked by most people but some may find you slightly immature. Don't let people bring you down, for you are a wonderful and beautiful person!"
Not Thinking About The "E" Word!
Exams. That's right! It's that time of year again. Anyways, i would rather rant about the BBQ I was at last night. As usual, my bro and i formed a sub party. We didn't know many ppl because they were all friends of the family or distant relations over the age of 30 (at least! some were over 90!!!). The youngest was a one year old baby and a three week old puppy. Needless to say, the puppy (Darci) was ADORABLE!!!!! After those two were my bro and I followed by my cousin who is in his thirties - hence i was alone! So anyways. My bro and i get a long pretty well, so he talked by ourselves most of the night, when people where not coming up to me and wishing me luck next year at university. The highlight of course was pretty f'-in sweet! My gramma has apparently been saving a ring for me since i was born. Let me add, it's not just a ring. It's got 8 diamonds, 8 saphires and it's gold!! (VERY EXPENSIVES!!!!) and it has to be at least 30 years old!!! I'm actually afraid to where this thing!! Anyways, it was suppose to be for my 18th b-day but instead i got it for my grad because i will be at uni by then...
g2g. BIES! - Shannon
g2g. BIES! - Shannon
Saturday, June 11, 2005
A little lesson in Gaelic
While in Ireland last summer i learned this neat and helpful little phrase: "póg mo thón". I saw it on a t-shirt with a pic of Bart Simpson bending over, showing his butt. I'm sure you can just guess what it means, or at least that it's not the best phrase. So, back to my story: This is actually scottish gaelic, not irish gaelic, so let me tell you how to say it the true irish way: "póg mo thoin"! While doing this "research" i descovered another term "spalpeen" which means 'irresponsible fool'. (i can think of a few ppl) although it may also mean 'scamp'. Finally, this one i already knew before my trip: "céad míle fáilte ", which means 'a hundred thousand welcomes'. - to pronounce that: ' Kay-d mill-uh fault-chuch'.
Hope you learned a lot today.
P.S. The show last night at my school was really good. R.P. was sooo amazing. I asked my bro who had the best singing voice and he said you. Everyone else was super good too, but you couldn't hear them sometimes cuz da music was loud. Congrats to all.
Hope you learned a lot today.
P.S. The show last night at my school was really good. R.P. was sooo amazing. I asked my bro who had the best singing voice and he said you. Everyone else was super good too, but you couldn't hear them sometimes cuz da music was loud. Congrats to all.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Girls Don't Like Boys, Girls Like Cars And Money
Giggle. Boys are great, but so are cars and money. I have a car, and i have some money (although i'm still quite poor), having a boy would be great. And, as per the song, i don't think i would abuse him that badly. I could pay for my own things, and be funny! Actually, aren't i funny?. .. in a sort of sarcastic way at least? Giggle. do do do... "boys will laugh at girls when they aren't funny..." Ever since prom i have been addicted to this game. See that's the weird thing about me, i play a song over and over and over again until i just get sick of it. It's on it's 20th or so round right now... i usually don't get sick of a song till the 115th round of the song. Although "scars" by Papa Roach lasted at least twice as long as that. I was royally addicted to that for weeks. ....and these girls like these boys, and these boys like these girls.... giggle. boys. and car. and money.
P.S. Am i losing my soul through the material world?
P.S. Am i losing my soul through the material world?
Sunday, June 05, 2005
okay, sorry I had to leave so fast last time. It always seems that as soon as i start writing stuff down, that someone will come in and interupt me. It's just not fair! Anyways... as I was saying last time, prom was sooo much fun, i have all my pictures in my msn space, it seems simplar there; although that does mean that you actually have to have my msn to see them. OH wells, let me just explain it as grafically as i can: My hair was up, and i had a few light curls comming down from it. My dress was stapless and a light pink. Everyone looked soooo nice. For once they had some pretty good music (I LOVE GREEN DAY!!!), and everyone danced a lot. Sadly us girls had evil shoes that made it hard to dance all night, so most ppl took of their shoes that danced like hicks. I on the other hand did not (ironic b/c i live in the most hickiest down around and they all live near the city!).
OMG! I don't want to do my homework!!!!!! I am totally procrastinating about it. Sure it's not due untill tuesday but i just want it over with, and i can't find enough information to finish it. EVIL EVIL!!! A thousand curses on my teacher who assigned it! I still can't believe that i have to go to school 2mora, it was such a comfortably long weekend. *tears* only 18 days till i am finished all my exams and school is over for me. Of course i still have grad night to look forward to... but basically i'm still quite sad. High school really is some of the best years of your life.
OMG! I don't want to do my homework!!!!!! I am totally procrastinating about it. Sure it's not due untill tuesday but i just want it over with, and i can't find enough information to finish it. EVIL EVIL!!! A thousand curses on my teacher who assigned it! I still can't believe that i have to go to school 2mora, it was such a comfortably long weekend. *tears* only 18 days till i am finished all my exams and school is over for me. Of course i still have grad night to look forward to... but basically i'm still quite sad. High school really is some of the best years of your life.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Prom and the Next Day
WOW! prom was awesome. to all those people who didn't go because they didn't have anyone to go with - well i didn't go with anyone, that just goes to show you that you can still have so much fun without a date - and to all those people who thought it would not be fun - hanging out with your friends, when everyone is complementing you, is fun. I pity you -.
After Prom, ALY came over and slept in my basement. When we woke up the next day, we went shopping far away in maple with jenny, jenny, janet & sharon. fun fun. the best part was the no schoolness. SWEET! I bought a new shirt. I plan to wear it on saturday.
After Prom, ALY came over and slept in my basement. When we woke up the next day, we went shopping far away in maple with jenny, jenny, janet & sharon. fun fun. the best part was the no schoolness. SWEET! I bought a new shirt. I plan to wear it on saturday.
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