Not the ppl should be nice. I just hope that this web site will be nice to me today. Yesterday you may have noticed that my post was doubly-posted. Know idea why, but that's why i'm asking it to be nice now, so that it will not screw up on me again.
Nyhoo, the unimportance of life was revealed. Next i feel the need to discuss the insults i heard today towards mes vêtements. C'est méchant de dire que vous n'aimez pas les habilles des autres devant eux. Notez s'il-vous-plaît que je n'est jamais fait cela d'une façon aussi méchant que j'ai entendu aujourd'hui. Peut-être j'ai dit que quelque chose aux passé, quand j'était une très différente personne. Maintenant je senterai trop triste après avoir dit des choses de mêmes. Croyez moi que cela me donne des difficultés depuis que je suis une personne qui regarde toujours les vêtements des autres personnes. Néamoins, je trouve que c'est méchant quand une group de personnes disent qu'ils n'aiment pas votre habille. Horrible.
I found that it is much harder to express myself in french, yet it's easier b/c i feel safer since i assume that people who aren't as fluent will have to look up a few words to understand the real meaning behind this whole thing. DEAL WITH IT.
Buenos noches!!
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Monday, January 03, 2005
Latest News
Well, I can officially say that I did nothing over the winter break. I have a growing suspicion that I actually have many less friends that I previously thought. I used to believe that I was the only one playing the game of being nice to people and pretending to be their friend. Apparently not. I know that I do have some friends; those people who stuck beside me and called me once of twice during the break. To them, I honestly think highly of you! For those who didn’t and probably where not even thinking of me, yet I consider you a friend, shame on you! You have been caught. Hypercritical of me, maybe, but it hurts that I think of you as a good friend of mine but we never talk as soon as I don’t see you every day. What’s the deal with that?!?!?! Well, I would appreciate knowing the truth. If you are indeed playing the game I have played many times and am still playing, please tell me so I can have a bit of closure. You may have caught that last thing I said. Well, it’s true that I do play this so called game of friends, but only b/c I fear telling you that you suck, perhaps being your friend is easier than telling you the truth. Please don’t feel that way about myself, I will not get mad if you say that we should not be friends anymore. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people I play friendship games with were to come up and tell me this? That would only happen in a perfect world. In all likelihood, the people I thought I could trust to stand by my side will reveal there dirty little secrets. I admit here that I will be hurt, but I do believe that in situations such as this one, it’s better I know. Thank you for considering this request.
Maybe or maybe not your friend - Shannyn
Maybe or maybe not your friend - Shannyn
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