Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Crazy Evil Child

By the title your probably thinking that i'm making a reference to myself in someway. Not true; today a crazy-evil child is comming over to my house w/ her parents for a dinner party. <-- my parents are obsessed about these. Anyways, my lil' bro and I have always been annoyed by this perticular girl. We have known her since before she was born (our parents go way back!), in other words, now that we are much older, we try to avoid her at all costs, but today, the day that ends all days, we have to see her again + hang out with her. Let me explain why she is so evil: she's six, so basically she is active and doesn't stop talking, she claims that I am her best friend (cute but desturbing)... Other reasons exist but they are not to be read on the internet.

My point with all that is that I have to put up with her and intertain her all day, an i really dun wanna.... *CRY*

I still have an hour b4 she comes... SAVE ME!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Better Mood

Today everything seems to be working out for me...
1. Surprise test this morning wasn't that bad
2. Lost something and found it
3. Got out of something I didn't want to do
4. All machines (including comps.) are co-operating now
5. Did a good dead this morning!!

That last one made me feel really good... In summary, i helped someone in need get somewhere that they were having trouble getting to. Sadly, it was the first time I talked to this guy, even though I saw him for like 2 hours everyday for three years... Still I made an effort, and that's what counts!

I think the christmas spirit has gotten to me... te he.


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Gotta work tonight

Hey! <- by the way, Mrs. Teacher... that is a word!!
Anyways, i'm finally posting again, not that any of you missed me! *WOW! I do have a black soul!!* So, i did some things i'm not proud of today, found out some hiden secrets, about why some people didn't like me a while back... must say that that hurt! To them I say that I would never be as mean as to say something cruel like that! <-- this is not where one inserts that black soul comment i said earilier... Apart from the sadness it caused when i found out that some people thought i was THAT mean... today wasn't that bad... expect that it's not over yet and I have to work tonight! I'm suppose to work 2mora too, but i want to see if i can get out of that... maybe my boss will not be there and will end up closing down the center. sweetness...

Well, i must be off .... à la prochaine!