Thursday, November 25, 2004
Yah! My post is going to work this time!!
Have you ever noticed that people often say 'you don't know what it's like to be me?' and most of the time they believe that they know what it's like to be any other person... These are the people that really bother me. It seems so hypocritical of them to say that, because they think that their life is so much harder than everyone elses. Trust me when I tell you that everyone's life is hard; Although someone's might appear easy on the surface, it's really not.
I'm annoyed every time someone believes that my life is easy. They see that my schedule is not a busy as their's and think that I do nothing and that nothing is hard for me in life because I have a semi-financial background. THAT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING TO ME!!! I have a job, i help my friends when they ask, and above all, i sit and think a lot. I don't mean this litterally, because i don't have the patience for that, but i have severe moral issues. Things happened in my childhood that made me who i am today, but a certain issue has kept me from having fun. You can't forget it because it is ever present, and THAT is why my life is as hard as everyone elses.
Before you start with a million questions, such as what caused this severe morale issue, let me tell you that I don't know what it is. Honestly, something happened but I don't remember what. I know it was bad, but i'll never know because i'm afraid of asking the people who would know.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Crazy Shopper
Any normal person would be so bored listening to me talk about my new stuff... so let me tell you what's really on my mind. It's my brothers first year of high school and we got our marks back today... His average is 4.8% higher than mine!! I know he is in an easier school and taking easy courses, but i'm still really upset that he is getting good marks. It really pisses me off and makes me feel stupid... not fair!
Monday, November 15, 2004
Yams going crazy!!
Anyways, I'm 'lost inside' too people! Confussion about true possible schools for next year, this year's grades, and thoughts about Mathew. (truely and obviously not that person's name!) It's just nicer that those shrot three letter nicknames that I give everyone else! Mathew is special!! Gifted on my levels and talented in many fields.
Apart from HIM, life goes on. Not sure how, but it does. I'm stressed, whether you believe it or not. (probably not)
Moddy little me....
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Finally Finished Project
That's an extremly sarcastic way of saying thank you for nothing! Evil ppl. I'm clearly asking for help and I get none! Now my projects sucks and we all know you will need my help sometime in the futur and I will give it to you. So, to conclude, I hate you all! - as you may or may not have already known!
Gros con!
Filles d'une putain de merde!
Vous ĂȘtes tous des connasses!!!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Doing Homework 2
Oh well, i'm still working on my promis Yam. I'm stopping my rambling about it. Curses... must go.... bies!!
Monday, November 08, 2004
The 'JOB'
Saturday, November 06, 2004
How wrong is it to be fully addicted to blogging... Everything I do I think, maybe I should add that the next time I'm blogging. I know that that's really weird, but nothing ever really happens to me, so your lucky that you probably will not hear about it. Nyhoo, this year i'm graduating from high school and the yearbook-association-group asked everyone to write a blurbie about themselves. Mine sounds super lame since i decided to make shout-outs to a bunch of people, but i know there are going to be some people i didn't mention who might get mad that i didn't even say there name... Well, it sucks to be you then... that's all I have to say...
Tomorrow I think i'm going shopping again... but where to go.... times square ... lol ... |
Friday, November 05, 2004
Good Day in my life
Anyways, back to color happy fun.... I wonder how that's going to turn out... Well, i'm at a loss for things to do tonight...comment on this entry with some ideas!!
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
The Lists
The Bad list is actually very hard to get on, you must really really annoy me to be on it. Not even really annoy, but you have to be mean to be to get on it. (Please don't try to get on it!) There is not an exact number of people required for this list and there may be only one or twoperson on it at a time. Anyways, it's not that i hate you if your on this list, cuz i do honestly try not to hate anyone, it's just that you have hurt me in a way I will never forget. *I still remember some of the first people on this list, many who transfered often from the two lists.*
Anyways, i kind of feel like a bad person having "the bad list" but it just shows that you really hurt me. I may appear so strong, but i'm proabably one of the weakest people you have ever met.
Doing Homework
Anyways, today I found out that my little nicknames for people at school were too obvious. Especially Bor's name. Lic was slightly less obvious but when you say that Lic and Bor are going out, then everyone knows who they both are. However, people have yet to find out about Cal. It's a good secret I plan to take with me to the grave. Yam (new person) - pointed out that it was terribly bad form for me to carry on ranting about people because, with nicknames likes these, everyone knows who I'm talking about... and then people will get hurt. So from now on I promis less ranting more joyful happy talk about cute adorable-ness.... -gag!- like that would ever last. New promis, less talking about people in a mean way. Anyhoo.... *DAMNATION* this is boring without being mean about someone.... Well, everyone was really nice at school today, Expect for one person who was talking about me behind my back ..... Tia* - not real name - Tia, everyone heard you saying that I was such a goodie-goodie and a tatle-tale... or whatever it was. Just for asking the teacher a question, my whole class truely hates me. Especially Tia and Lad* . Lad called me a bi*ch right to my face. - Don't know why, but it still hurts. -
Hate School - Shannyn
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Back Again!
"Don't wanna be an american idiot" *best song of all time*
This is what I do....
Enough about this song though, i'm bored. And I have to go see my tutor soon. *Can't pass math*. So evil.... It's not like it's all that important, math that is, when will i ever need to know "the chain rule" or how to factor algebraic sentences using long division? I mean it really doesn't apply to anything in real life!!! *A thousand curses on math*
Today was totally uneventful, as most days, espcially since I got to one of the biggest *hich-town-u.s.a.-schools!* ... Honestly, it's in the middle of no where, there is a giant subdivition surronding it, but there really isn't anywhere to go out at lunch, and this completly annoys me!!
Well, leaving now.... I can't wait to see what I did wrong with my homework - gag!
Back sooo soon??
I hate to say this but a lot of things piss me off.... Like Bor (read last entry)- honestly!! There is really something weird about that person! An other think that pisses me off is this other person i'll introduce you to, let's call him/her "Cal". Cal never stops talking about themself, even when you try to change the subject, they persistantly go right back to their subject. While talking to Cal today, I noticed this and I really tried to take what they were saying and twist the conversation away from him/her. This obviously isn't the best thing to do because it may seem like you are ignoring the person, but Cal was just so annoying that it needed to be done. Unfortunatly this method didn't work, Cal pretended like he/she didn't hear me (or he/she really didn't hear me) and just kept talking in their favor.
Well that's enough ranting for now.... pissed off, g2g